##An online MCQ Exam system built with HTML, CSS, PHP, Bootstrap 4
Online MCQ Exam is an exam system for students.
- Two types of users. Admin and Normal (Student) Users
- Separate Control Panel for both admin and students
- Students can take MCQ exam, view score and see correct answers.
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- Clone the repo
- Import db_exam.sql to your localhost/phpmyadmin
- Edit the database connection from
- Browse the website
If you are logging as a student at the front panel try logging with the following username
username: saif@paypal.com
pass: 123456
If you are logging at the admin area login via the following credentials
username: local
pass: local
Want to contribute? Great! Fork the project and send me pull request. I would definitely would love to see the option to take exams via specific subjects.
- More features
Apache Version 2
Free Software, Hell Yeah!