👋 Hi there, This is Sagar. I'm a full stack developer, self-taught and independent thinker, currently living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I love to work with new technologies, explore new challenges, and watch Movies && Anime.
"languages":["PHP", "Python", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "GO", "C", "Shell script", "SQL"],
"backend": ["NodeJS", "Laravel", "ExpressJS", "Django"],
"frontend":["Angular", "VueJS"],
"database":["Mysql", "MongoDb", "DynamoDb", "PouchDb"],
"devops":["Docker", "Jenkins", "Consul", "Shell script", "haproxy", "Nginx", "apache2"]
- 🔭 I’m currently working with 10 Minute School
- 💬 Ask me about anything
- ⚡ Fun fact: Trying to lose weight without dieting