This is the repository for analytical reports done in Regression and Multivariate Data Analysis course during Spring 2023. There are five reports throughout the semester and the statistical software is Minitab. The datasets, reports, and Minitab commands can be found in the report#1 to report#5 directories. Please feel free to email me at for any more information.
Health expenditure (% of GDP) = 5.685 + 0.0597 * GDP per capita (in thousands)
Report#2: Multiple Linear Regression - Thermal Expansion Error Modeling of High-speed Electric Spindle
Delta L = -21.82 + 1.551 * (T0-T15) + 1.026 * (T13-T15)
CPI = 118.1 + 0.1628 * Wheat Market Price - 0.325 * Time_1 + 0.00339 * Time_2 + 0.410 * CPI_Lag1 - 0.519 * CPI_Lag11