Terraform module that adds Cloud Compute Settings to an existing archive location. The following steps are completed by the module:
- Create a new IAM Policy with the correct permissions for CloudOn and attach it to the specified user.
- Create a new IAM Role with the correct permissions for CloudOn to use the AWS VMImport service.
- Create a new Security Group to allow the Rubrik Cluster to talk to the Rubrik Storm instances.
- Create S3 and KMS endpoint so that Rubrik Storm can keep data on the AWS network.
- Configures Cloud Compute Settings on Rubrik cluster.
Here are some resources to get you started! If you find any challenges from this project are not properly documented or are unclear, please raise an issue and let us know! This is a fun, safe environment - don't worry if you're a GitHub newbie!
- Quick Start Guide
- Rubrik API Documentation
- Only required to run the sample Rubrik command to update the Cloud Compute settings for the Archival Location.
module "rubrik_aws_cloudon" {
source = "rubrikinc/rubrik-cloudon/aws"
iam_user_name = "rubrik"
archive_name = "S3:ArchiveLocation"
vpc_id = "vpc-12345678901234567"
subnet_id = "subnet-12345678901234567"
security_group_id = "sg-12345678901234567"
The following are the variables accepted by the module.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
aws_region | The AWS region to configure Rubrik Storm instances to run in. | string | yes | |
aws_vpc_security_group_name_storm | Name of the security group to create for Rubrik Storm instances to use. | string | Rubrik Storm Instances | yes |
rubrik_cluster_cidr | The CIDR range of the Rubrik Cluster. (Used to allow ingress to Storm from the Rubrik Cluster). Format x.x.x.x/y | string | yes | |
iam_user_name | The name of the IAM currently used for CloudOut to create. | string | yes | |
iam_policy_name | The name of the IAM Policy to be created with the correct CloudOut permissions. | string | rubrik-cloud-out | no |
iam_vmimport_policy_name | The name of the IAM Policy configured with the correct permissions for the VM Import service. | string | rubrik-vmimport-role | yes |
bucket_name | The name of the S3 bucket used for CloudOn from the Archival Location. | string | yes | |
vpc_id | The id of the vpc used to run bolt. | string | yes | |
subnet_id | The id of the subnet used to run bolt. | string | yes | |
timeout | Timeout value to be used when making Rubrik API call. | number | 60 | no |
There are a few services you'll need in order to get this project off the ground:
- Terraform v0.15.4 or greater
- Rubrik Provider for Terraform - provides Terraform functions for Rubrik
- Only required to run the sample Rubrik command to update the Cloud Compute settings for the Archival Location.
We glady welcome contributions from the community. From updating the documentation to adding more functions for Python, all ideas are welcome. Thank you in advance for all of your issues, pull requests, and comments! ⭐
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We'd love to hear from you! Email us: build@rubrik.com