This is OSX application for Parrot ZiK headphones
Main reason is - to show battery state of headphones it system tray.
Other reasons:
- because we can
- because we want it to be like we want it to be
- to try swift
- etc.
Latest build could be found here.
For other builds see releases section.
- clone repo
- open project (ParrotZik.xcodeproj) in Xcode
- switch target to "ParrotZik" (there is CliTest target - for debugging and testing)
- build it or run it or export it to standalone application
At start almost nothing happens (if your headphones are not connected).
Once headphones are connected to your mac - headphones icon should appear in system tray with information about current battery state (AC/Charging/...%).
Also there is a popup menu to do some things with your headphones such as switch ANC/Phone ANC/Lou Reed mode.
Refactoring - because there many strage things in code (heh ;) ).
Implement many other things from ZiK's api, in this direction our target is to implement all the things api can provide.
Many our thanks goes to m0sia with pyParrotZik project for ideas, some code and headphones icon =)