A fanworks recommender system. Pulls data from Archive of Our Own, including named kudos for works, to create an implicit, item-to-item recommendation. Currently only a sub-network of works have been scraped. See the web page for details.
Elements of architecture:
- Scrapes a list of all fandoms (not currently used for scraping meta-data, but future releases will use this list for determining what to scrape next)
- Scrapes meta-data for each individual work, given a fandom
- Inserts meta-data into a PostgreSQL database.
- Scrapes the names of kudos for each work in the database.
- matrix.py generates a recommender model based on implicit library and data in the database at the time.
- A Flask App does the web-based inference when given a fanworks AO3 ID number, returning a list of 10 IDs (plus meta-data).
- Hosted on Heroku hobby tier, there is a lag when visiting the site for the first time, as the Flask app starts.
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