The open and collaborative Archives World Map (, a public archives geolocalization dataset.
ISDIAH compliance with the mandatory fields.
The Archives World Map runs on
PHP 7.0 (will run with 5.4+)
Fat-Free Framework 3.6
SQLite 3.11.0
Bootstrap 3.3.7
Google Recaptcha
Mobile-Detect 2.8
Portuguese, by Ricardo Sodré Andrade (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
English, by Ricardo Sodré Andrade (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
Spanish, by Maria Pilar Gil Garcia (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Mandarin, by Sybil (中国人民大学 Renmin University of China)
Polish, by Anna Sobczak (Poland/France)
I expect to develop that new features soon
Private area for users edit their contributions and/or manage changes
More functions in API
Modify the add form to be easier
A new field to input a control ID (Wikidata, ISIL?)
Maintained by
Ricardo Sodré Andrade (