- Add the popular UI pattern of a Card to your Magento frontend with a CMS widget.
- Uses a graphical image upload representation on the Magento Admin panel with the Staempfli_WidgetExtraFields Magento2 community extension. Alternativly, you could create your own method of uploading images as described in this Atwix post.
- This module requires Staempfli_WidgetExtraFields, it must be installed first.
- Clone or download this repository into your magento instance's app/code directory.
- Run
php bin/magento module:enable Rossmc/CardWidget
- Run
php bin/magento cache:flush
- Run
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Follow the normal processes for adding widgets as described in the Magento User Guide
- Select UI Card Widget as the widget type.
- Once added it will appear on the frontend of your store.