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roda is a small, strongly typed, compiled programming language.


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roda Compiler


Roda is a small, strongly typed, compiled programming language than uses a modern syntax.

The roda language contains the following features:

  • Functions (with support for calling variadic functions)
  • Conditionals using if-else expressions
  • While-loops
  • Pointers
  • Arithmetic expressions on integers and floating point numbers
  • Binary operations on integers
  • Boolean expressions
  • Arrays
  • Structs
  • Basic type inference
  • Type aliases

The compiler also tries to give useful and informative error messages.


The following is a simple hello-world program written in roda:

extern fn printf(fmt: &u8, ..);

pub fn main(): int {
    printf("Hello world!\n");
    return 0;

The following example shows the supported control structures and their usage:

extern fn printf(fmt: &u8, ..);

pub fn main(): int {
    let i = 1;
    while i <= 100 {
        if i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0 {
        } else if i % 3 == 0 {
        } else if i % 5 == 0 {
        } else {
            printf("%li\n", i);
        i += 1;
    return 0;

The rest of the features can be used in the following way:

  • Arithmetic expressions:
    let x  = 1 + 2;         // x = 3
    x += 5;                 // x = 8
    // x += 0.5;            // this is not allowed, since real literals can not be implicitly converted to integers
    let y: f64 = 0.5 + 0.1; // y = 0.6
    // y += 5;              // this is not allowed, since integer literals can not be implicitly converted to floats
  • Pointers:
    let a: &int = &b;   // take the address of b and store it into a
    let c = *a;         // dereference a to store its value into c
    *a = c;             // assign the value in c to the address pointed to by a
  • Arrays:
    let a: [3]int; // create an array of 3 int
    a[0] = 1;      // assign the value 1 to the first element of a
    a[1] = 2;      // assign the value 2 to the second element of a
    a[2] = a[1];   // assign the value in the second element of a to the third element of a
  • Structs:
    let a: (a: int, b: f64);
    a.a = 1;
    a.b = 2;
    a = (a = 5, b = 5.5);
  • Basic type inference:
    let a = 1;        // a is an integer
    let b = 2.0;      // b is a floating point number
    let c = "Hello";  // c is a string
    let d = true;     // d is a boolean value
    let e = 'a';      // e is a character
    let f;
    a += f;           // f is also an integer
  • Type aliases:
    type MyInt = int;  // create a type alias for int
    let a: MyInt = 1;  // a is an integer


flowchart TB
    parsecmd(Parse command line options) --> parse
    subgraph parse [Parser]
        direction LR
        infile[roda file] --> parser(Parser)
        parser --> ast[Abstract Syntax Tree]
    parse --> sema
    subgraph sema [Semantic analysis]
        direction LR
        refres(Symbol Reference Resolution) --> typeinfer
        typeinfer(Type Inference) --> typecheck
        typecheck(Type Checking) --> controlcheck
        controlcheck(Control Flow Checking)
    sema --> codegen
    subgraph codegen [Code generation]
        direction LR
        typeast2[Abstract Syntax Tree with Type Information] --> emit
        emit{Backend} -->|None| exit(Exit)
        emit -->|AST| printout
        emit -->|LLVM| buildllvm
        buildllvm(Generate LLVM IR) --> printout
        printout(Write output file) --> exit

We have chosen a multi-pass compiler architecture, operating primarily on an abstract syntax tree. The following are the main steps that make up the compilation process:

  • Parser:

    In this phase, the compiler reads in the contents of a file and parses it into an abstract syntax tree using a lexer defined with Flex and a parser generated with Bison.

  • Symbol Reference resolution:

    In this phase, the compiler resolves all references to symbols for both variables and types in the abstract syntax tree. This step also generates and uses the symbol tables, creating a symbol entry for each of the defined types, functions, and variable. The symbol table is implemented as a tree linked only with parent-pointers. Each element of the tree represents a separate scope which is implemented using hash tables. Symbol lookup starts at a node and traverses up to the root, until the symbol is found. Types and symbols share the same hash table, but are handled differently.

  • Type Inference:

    In this phase, the compiler infers the types of all variables and expressions in the abstract syntax tree. This phase first evaluates all the explicitly given type annotations and implicit type constraints (e.g., conditions in if statements), and then tries to infer all other types. Type inference is implemented by propagating the types using graph traversal. The compiler will also, if the type can not otherwise be determined, assume the type of integer and real literals. Type conflicts may be identified and reported during this phase.

  • Type Checking:

    In this phase, the compiler checks that all types in the abstract syntax tree are correct. This includes for example checks about only using numeric types in addition or multiplication, or testing that the correct number of arguments is passed to a function call. Also, this step makes sure that the type of each variable and expression has been successfully inferred. After this phase completes successfully, the abstract syntax tree has been populated with valid types.

  • Control Flow Checking:

    In this phase, the compiler checks that all functions that are expected to return a value, actually do so in every possible path through the control flow graph. After this phase, the abstract syntax tree is guaranteed to represent a valid program, that can be used by the code generation.

  • Code generation:

    In this phase, the compiler generates code for the abstract syntax tree. This phase can always do nothing or write the abstract syntax tree to a file. It can also, if compiled with support for it, generate LLVM IR and use it to generate an assembly or object file. Optionally this phase might also include an invocation of the system's c compiler to link the program.



To compile this project, you will need GNU Make and a C compiler. This project has only been tested on Linux using GCC or Clang and a GNU C Library. Other requirements include relatively recent versions of Flex and Bison. If you want to compile this project with support for code generation, you will need LLVM 10 or later installed.


To compile this project from source first clone it, and then run the make command. After building the project successfully, the binary can be found at build/$(BUILD)/bin/rodac.

git clone
cd roda
make BUILD=release

There are the following interesting options that can be passed to the make command:

  • BUILD should be one of debug (default), release, gdb, or profile.
  • LLVM is by default set automatically, but can be set manually to either yes or no depending on whether you want to compile with the LLVM backend or not.


To run the tests in the tests directory we use a project that can be found at You would need to have the tested binary in your PATH variable and the run the test target of the Makefile. The test target has the build target as a dependency, so it will first build the compiler.

make test

File structure

There are two main directories in this project:

  • src contains the source for the compiler, with the entry point in src/rodac/main.c.
  • tests contains a number of test files. You can look at these for examples.
    • tests/errors all files in this directory are expected to produce errors during the compilation.


roda is a small, strongly typed, compiled programming language.








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