CS50P My Solutions for all the problem sets To be updated as I gradually complete the course and solve the psets. The ⭐ ones are the questions which took me a substantial amount of time to figure out/understand. Week 0: Functions, Variables Indoor Voice Playback Speed Making Faces Einstein Tip Calculator Week 1: Conditionals Deep Thought Home Federal Savings Bank File Extensions Math Interpreter Meal Time Week 2: Loops camelCase Coke Machine Just setting up my twttr ⭐Vanity Plates Nutrition Facts Week 3: Exceptions Fuel Gauge Felipe's Taqueria Grocery List ⭐Outdated Week 4: Libraries Emojize Frank, Ian and Glen's Letters Adieu, Adieu Guessing Game Little Professor Bitcoin Price Index Week 5: Unit Tests Testing my twttr Back to the Bank Re-requesting a Vanity Plate ⭐Refueling Week 6: File I/O Lines of Code Pizza Py Scourgify ⭐CS50 P-Shirt