The following code repository implements stable vector fields on Lie groups for robot motion generation and control. Code repository in relation with ICRA RAL paper 'Learning Stable Vector Fields on Lie Groups'.
Build Conda Environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
activate environment and install library
pip install -e .
We visualize the globally stable vector field in the surface of a 3D sphere.
python scripts/s2_svf/test_s2_model/
We visualize the performance of a 5 DoF planar robot performing a peg-in-a-hole task by the combination of SE(2) stable vector field with Operational Space Control
python scripts/se2_svf/test_trained_models/
We visualize the performance of a 7 DoF robot arm perfoming a learned pouring task combining a SE(3) Stable Vector Field with an Operational Space Controller.
python scripts/se3_svf/test_trained_models/
[1] Julen Urain, Davide Tateo, Jan Peters. "Learning Stable Vector Fields on Lie Groups" RA-L 2022. [journal]
title={Learning stable vector fields on lie groups},
author={Urain, Julen and Tateo, Davide and Peters, Jan},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
If you have any questions or find any bugs, please let me know: Julen Urain julen[at]robot-learning[dot]de