is a "theme" emphasizing high-contrast white on black and comes paired with Tubnil.tmTheme
"color scheme" for high-contrast syntax highlighting.
The theme has been made simplistic and optimized for performance by minimizing the use of textures and images in favor of rectangle tints.
- Manual method: Download ZIP from github. Extract the files to Sublime_Data_Dir\Packages\Theme - Nil
- Automatic method: Install Theme - Nil with Package Control
After the files are correctly located, you must add following lines to Sublime_Data_Dir\Packages\User\ Preferences.sublime-setings
"theme": "Nil.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Nil/Tubnil.tmTheme",
"font_face": "Lucida Console",
"font_size": 13,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
"overlay_scroll_bars": "disabled",
"draw_shadows": false,
To enable any of the following options, add the line to Sublime_Data_Dir\Packages\User\ Preferences.sublime-setings
"disable_colored_group_labels": true,
will disable colored headings ("OPEN FILES" and "FOLDERS") and colored group labels in sidebar. Group labels are things that say "Group 1" and 2 in the sidebar if you add files to custom groups in a .sublime-project file.
- based upon Raik Ilves's Pseudo OSX theme, which is in turn based on [Ian Hill's Soda theme]( theme). Additionally, this theme was inspired by Liam Cain's Refresh theme, which is also a variant of Pseudo OSX. So, it's worth noting that Raik's made a pretty handy base for new themes.Tubnil.tmTheme
- variation of Tubster theme for TextMate.