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A profiler and testing tool for the 6502/65C02 microprocessor


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This software is in essence a simulator for the MOS 6502, 6510 and the 65C02 microprocessors. In contrast to the plethora of emulators that already exist for these microprocessors it does not aim to emulate an existing retro computer with all its features like graphics and sound. It is rather intended to be a development tool for optimizing and verifying the implementation of algorithms on old or new machines which use these classic microprocessors. To state this again: No graphics or sound capabilities of any kind are emulated and 6502profiler works at a purely logical level.

The two main use cases for 6502profiler are unit testing for and performance analysis of 6502 assembly programs. 6502profiler offers the possibility to implement tests where arranging the test data and evaluating the results is offloaded to Lua scripts. Have a look at my 6502 arithmetic lib to see this functionality in action.6502profiler uses gopher-lua to embed Lua in Go.

When used for performance analysis 6502profiler executes an existing binary inside the simulator. While running the program the number of clock cycles that are used up during execution are counted. Additionally 6502profiler can be used to identify "hot spots" in the program because it also keeps track of how many times each byte in memory is accessed (i.e. read and/or written).

The usefulness of 6502profiler as a simulator is increased by a feature which allows code running in the simulator to call functions in an associated Lua script, which has full access to the simulator's state. This can be used to simulate additional system components or software modules which have not been implemented in assembly yet. See below for more info about this feature or look at this example which uses 6502profiler to implement the "hangman" word guessing game.

How to use 6502profiler

6502profiler has a command line interface. The first parameter is a so called command. Currently the following commands are implemented.

The following commands are available: 
     delcase: Delete the files of an existing test case
     info: Return info about program
     list: List all test cases and their descriptions
     newcase: Create a new test case skeleton
     profile: Run program, record and evaulute performance data
     run: Run program
     verify: Run a test on an assembler program
     verifyall: Run all tests

6502profiler expects an installed assembler for most of its functionality to work. Its location in the file system can be configured through the AcmeBinary configuration entry. Currently acme, 64tass and ca65 are supported. The type of assembler which is in use can be defined through the AsmType config entry. Use the values acme, 64tass or ca65 to set the entry.

The profile command

This command is intended to collect and evaluate data about the performance of the program under test. It understands the following command line options:

./6502profiler profile -h
Usage of 6502profiler profile:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -dump string
    	Dump memory after program has stopped. Format 'startaddr:len'
  -label string
    	Path to the label file generated by the ACME assembler
  -lua string
    	Lua script to call when trap is triggered
  -out string
    	Path to the out file that holds the generated data
  -prcnt uint
    	Percentage used to determine cut off value (default 10)
  -prg string
    	Path to the program to run
    	Do not print additional info
  -strategy string
    	Strategy to determine cutoff value (default "median")
  -trapaddr uint
    	Address to use for triggering a trap

The most important option is the -prg option which is used to specify the binary to run. It is expected that the first two bytes of the binary contain the load address in the usual form (lo byte first). It is also expected that execution of the program will start at this address. The final instruction in a program that is run by 6502profiler has to be BRK. BRK halts the simulator.

If the -out option is specified 6502profiler outputs statistical data about the current program execution. The output contains two types of lines. Label lines and address lines. The following example illustrates a label line followed by three address lines.

     0803: 00 50350
     0804: 01 1056087
###  0805: 8A 5591244

Label lines are created from the data contained in the symbol list file generated by the acme or 64tass macro assember when called with the -l option. The path to this file can be provided through the -label option of 6502profiler. Label lines serve as a basic link between the output of 6502profiler and the source code of the program that is evaluated. ca65 does not offer an easy way to just dump the addresses for which all the labels stand into a file and therefore specifying a label file is optional.

An address line contains a 16 bit hex address followed by a colon. The address is followed by the byte stored at this memory location at the end of the execution of the program. This in turn is follwed by the number of times the address has been accessed (read and written) by the running program. When an address line starts with ### the corresponding address has been accessed "more often" than is usual during program execution. The meaning of "more often" is defined by the options -strategy and -prcnt.

6502profiler counts how often each byte is accessed during program execution and stores these so called access numbers so that they can be evaluated after the program has teminated. If an access number for a byte in memory where a machine language program resides is high then this means that the corresponding code is executed often and therefore optmizing these parts of the program has potentially a big effect on overall performance.

The option -prcnt has to be a number between 0 and 100 and denotes a percentage. Specifying any value p results in those addresses in the output to be flagged with ### that have access numbers which are in the top p percent of all access numbers.

The -strategy option determines what all access numbers are. When the value median is used all access numbers (including duplicates) are sorted and and the lowest value in the top p% (p being the value of the -prcnt option) is selected as a threshold. Any other value for the -strategy option sorts the access values after removing all duplicates and after that determines the threshold. In first experiments no significant differences between the two strategies have been found. -prcnt and -strategy are optional. The default values for these options are 10 and median.

The report file created by ACME when specifying its -r option, or the listings generated by 64tass (-L option) or ca65 (-l option) can be used to more precisely link the output of 6502profiler to the assembly source code.

The -dump command line option can be used to print a hex dump of a portion of the simulator's memory to the screen after the program has finished. The start address and length of the memory to dump can be selected by the parameter of the option using the format address:length. Both numbers have to be specified in decimal.

The -trapaddr and -lua options can be used to enable a simulated 6502 program to execute Lua code in an associated script. The following description of the run command documents what can be done with these.

The run command

This command can be used to simply run an existing binary in the simulator implemented by 6502profiler. It is expected that the first two bytes of the binary contain the load address in the usual form (lo byte first). The following command line options can be used:

Usage of 6502profiler run:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -dump string
    	Dump memory after program has stopped. Format 'startaddr:len'
  -lua string
    	Lua script to call when trap is triggered
  -prg string
    	Path to the program to run
    	Do not print additional info
  -trapaddr uint
    	Address to use for triggering a trap

The -trapaddr and -lua options can be used to enable a 6502 program to execute Lua code. The idea is that a write operation to a so called trap address (specified by the option -trapaddr) is caught by the simulator, which then gives control to the Lua script (given by -lua). To be precise the simulator calls the trap() function in the referenced Lua script. This function is called with the byte written to the trap address as its only parameter. The parameter is called the trap code. The following code may serve as an example. Consider the following assembler program (see testprg/trap_test.a):

!to "trap_test",cbm
* = $0800


    lda #<TEXT
    sta $80
    lda #>TEXT
    sta $81
    ; get string to print from Lua
    jsr getData
    ldy #0
    lda ($80), y
    beq .finished
    ; Here $2DDD is a special write address which upon each write 
    ; prints the character to the screen
    sta $2DDD
    jmp .loopPrint

; This routine triggers a "trap" which gives control to 
; a Lua script. This script copies the string to print to 
; the target address which is determined by the two bytes 
; on top of the stack.
    ; push target address on stack
    lda $80
    lda $81
    ; write to trap address
    lda #TRAP_CODE
    ; this write triggers the trap
    ; trap routine in Lua has poped target address from 
    ; stack

!byte 0

In the subroutine getData the value TRAP_CODE is written to the TRAP_ADDESS $FF00 which triggers the execution of the trap() function in the following Lua script (testprg/trap.lua)

function pop()
    local sp = get_sp()
    if sp == 0xFF then
        sp = 0x00
        sp = sp + 1

    return read_byte(0x100 + sp)

function trap(code)
    print("----- Running Lua code")
    print("Trap code: " .. code)
    local address_hi = pop() 
    local address_lo = pop()
    local address = address_hi * 256 + address_lo
    print("Copying data to address " .. address)
    local data_to_print = "48454c4c4f2046524f4d204c55410d0a00"
    set_memory(address, data_to_print)
    print("----- Done with Lua code")

function cleanup()
    print("Cleaning up Lua part")

In order to run this example use acme to create a binary from trap_test.a and store it in the testprg directory. After that issue the following command in the 6502profiler project directory

./6502profiler run -c config_printer.json -prg testprg/trap_test -trapaddr 0xFF00 -lua testprg/trap.lua 

This results in the following output

Program loaded to address $0800
Using trap address $ff00
----- Running Lua code
Trap code: 42
Copying data to address 2085
----- Done with Lua code
Program ran for 289 clock cycles
Cleaning up Lua part

When the -trapaddr option is not present or its value is $0000 then the trap facility is disabled. When a value different from $0000 is specified as a trap address a Lua script has to be specified via the -lua option. This feature is intended to allow mocking away functionality or system components needed by an assembly program. The Lua script can use all the functions and variables that are described below to control the state of the simulator. Optionally the Lua script can implement a cleanup() function which is called by 6502profiler after the assembly program has stopped. A program stops if it executes a BRK instruction.

The verify and verifyall commands

These commands are intended to facilitate the testing of assembly subroutines. You can see 6502profiler in action for this purpose in my 6502 arithmetic library project. The verify command can be used to run one specific test case and its command line syntax is as follows:

Usage of 6502profiler verify:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -prexec string
    	Program to run before test
  -t string
    	Test case file
  -trapaddr uint
    	Set trap address
    	Give more information

The name of the test case file (specified by the -t option) is interpreted relative to the directory specified by the AcmeTestDir configuration entry (see below). The .json suffix of the filename can be omitted. In order to run all test cases in that directory see the verifyall command as described below. The -prexec command line option can be used to specify the source code of an assembly program that is compiled and run before the test in order to perform a global test setup. This file name is interpreted relative to the AcmeTestDir defined in the config file.

The general idea is to have a collection of source files which contain the assembly subroutines to test in one directory (the source directory as given in AcmeSrcDir) and additional separate assembly test driver programs in a test directory (named by AcmeTestDir) which call the routines that are to be tested in an appropriate fashion. The test drivers can use the !source or .include pseudo opcode of the chosen assembler to access routines from the source directory. The test drivers are automatically assembled (or compiled) into the test binary directory. This directory is specified by AcmeBinDir.

The verify command loads the test driver binary and a corresponding Lua test script. This script has to define at least two functions arrange and assert. Before running the test driver in the simulator the verify command calls the arrange function in the Lua script which can modify the simulator state before the test driver is run (for instance to arrange test data). Then the test driver is run by the simulator and after it finishes the assert function of the test script is called to evaluate whether the program returned the expected results. The test is successfull if the assert script returns true.

The source files for the test driver and the Lua test script have to be referenced in a JSON test case file which has the following format:

    "Name": "Simple loop test",
    "TestDriverSource": "test1.a",
    "TestScript": "test1.lua"

The file names in this file are interpreted relative to the directory specified by the AcmeTestDir configuration entry.

Here an example for a test driver and a test script. Let's say we want to test the subroutine simpleLoop defined in test_loop.a in the source directory. This routine is expected to copy a four byte vector stored at the load address plus three bytes to the memory starting at the load address plus seven bytes. The test driver looks as follows and is stored as test1.a in the test directory.

* = $0800

jmp testStart

!source "test_loop.a"

    jsr simpleLoop

As a default it is assumed that a test driver starts its execution at the load address (here specified by the * = $xxxx expression). This can be changed though by calling set_pc() with the desired start address in the test script's arrange function. The corresponding Lua test script is also stored (here as test1.lua) in the test directory:

test_vector = "10203040"

function arrange()
    set_memory(load_address+3, test_vector)

function assert()
    d = get_memory(load_address+7, 4)
    fl = get_flags()
    data_ok = (d == test_vector)
    negative_is_set = (string.find(fl, "N", 0, true) ~= nil)
    error_msg = " \n"

    res = data_ok and negative_is_set

    if not data_ok then
        error_msg = error_msg .. string.format("data wrong '%s'\n", d)

    if not negative_is_set then
        error_msg = error_msg .. string.format("negative flag not set: %s\n", fl)

    return res, error_msg

The arrange function copies the test vector into the simulator's memory before the test driver is run. After the test driver has finished the assert function is called to evaluate the results. In this example it is tested whether the test vector has been copied to the correct address and if the negative flag is set at the end of the test driver. If these conditions are not met corresponding error messages are returned. Have a look in the testprg/testsdirectory in this repo for additional examples. To run only the test described above you can use ./6502profiler verify -c config.json -t test1.

The trap facility described above can also be used with the verify command. The Lua test script then additionally has to define at least the trap function and optionally the cleanup function. You have to specify the -trapaddr option to use this feature.

Structure of test scripts

Test scripts have to implement an assert and an arrange function and optionally a trap, a cleanup or num_iterations function. arrange is expected to take no arguments and return no value. assert also takes no arguments but has to return two values. The first one is a boolean and is set to true if the test was successfull. The second return value is a string and should contain some helpful message in case the test has failed. The following functions can be used in Lua to query and manipulate the simulator's memory and processor state:

Function Name Description
set_memory(address, hex_data) Store the data given in hex_data at address address
get_memory(address, length) Return length bytes from the simulator beginning with the byte at address address as a hex string
read_byte(address) Returns a single byte from memory at the given 16 bit address
write_byte(address, value) Writes a single byte to memory at the given 16 bit address
read_byte_long(address) Returns a single byte from memory at the given linearized address, which allows to access all of the simulated machine's memory in a flat address space
write_byte_long(address, value) Writes a single byte to memory at the given linearized address, which allows to access all of the simulated machine's memory in a flat address space
get_flags() Returns an eight character string that contains the letters NVBDIZC-. A letter is in the string if the corresponding flag is set
set_flags(flag_data) Sets the value of the flag register. If flag_data contains any of the letters described above the corresponding flag is set. Using "" clears all flags
get_pc() Returns the program counter
set_pc(val) Sets the program counter to val
get_sp() Returns the stack pointer
set_sp(value) Sets the stack pointer
get_accu() Returns the value stored in the accumulator
set_accu(val) Stores val in the accu
get_xreg() Returns the value stored in the X register
set_xreg(val) Stores val in the X register
get_yreg() Returns the value stored in the Y register
set_yreg(val) Stores val in the Y register
get_cycles() Returns the number of clock cycles used for executing the test

The set_memory and get_memory functions can be used to get and set blocks of simulator memory. These memory blocks are always represented as hex strings. On top of that the following three variables are injected into the Lua script from the Go host program:

Variable Name Description
load_address Address to which the test driver has been loaded and from which it is run
prog_len Length in bytes of the loaded test driver
test_dir Path to the test dir which can be used with require to load additional scripts
ident An identifier which is intended to give the running script a sort of identitiy for instance for logging or similar purposes

Assigning a value to these variables remains local to the Lua test script and does not influence what is happening in the golang host application.

Test scripts can optionally implement a num_iterations function which takes no argument and returns an integer. The golang host program will call arrange, execute the assembly routines under test and then call assert as many times as the result value of num_iterations indicates. The number of clock cycles which is reported by 6502profiler is the total number of clock cycles used for all the iterations. When using this feature the Lua test script has to explicitly reset the program counter (for instance using set_pc(load_address)) in the arrange function. A usage example can be found in the file testprg/tests/itertest.lua.

If you also want to use the trap facility in tests then you must specify the -trapaddr CLI option and you have to implement at least a function called trap which takes a byte (the so called trap code) as its only parameter and does not return a value. Optionally a cleanup function can be implemented which takes no parameters and returns no value. This function is called when the Lua interpreter is spun down by the golang main program at the end of each test.

Here a summary of the functions which are called from the golang side of 6502profiler in one context or another and have to be implemented in the corresponding Lua script:

Function Name Description
arrange() Returns nothing. This function is called to setup things before a test is run. It is optional if the Lua script is not part of a test. Depending on the value of num_iterations() this function can be called several times for each test
assert() Returns a boolean and a string. The function is called after a test was run to assert whether the test was successfull. If the returned bool is true the test is deemed to have been successfull. The string should contain an error message if the test was not successfull. Implementing this function is optional if the Lua script is not part of a test. Depending on the value of num_iterations() this function can be called several times for each test
num_iterations() Returns an integer. This function is optional and is called once for each test script. Its return value determines how often arrange and assert are called for a test
trap(trapcode) Returns nothing and takes a byte value. This function is called each time a trap was triggered. It is optional if the trap mechanism is not used.
cleanup() Returns nothing. This function is optional and is only relevant when the trap mechanism is in use. It is called once after the simulated machine language program has finished. It is primarily intended to allow clean resource management (for instance closing files)

Linear memory layout of simulated machines

The Lua functions read_byte_long and write_byte_long allow Lua test scripts to access all of the memory of a simulated machine in a linear fashion which makes it much easier to verify software on machines which make heavy use of banked memory, i.e. the NeoGeo cartridge, the Commander X16 and the Foenix F256K and F256 Jr. This section describes the linear memory layout implemented in 6502profiler for these machines.

NeoGeo cartridge memory model

In this model the 64K base memory can be accessed through the addresses 0 to 0xFFFF. The addresses 0x10000 and above access the memory of the cartridge in a linear fashion.

Commander X16

The memory layout is best described using the following table.

Memory type Begin End
Base RAM 0x0000 0x9FFF
Banked RAM 0xA000 0x089FFF (512K machine)
Banked ROM 0x8A000 0x109FFF (512K machine)
Banked RAM 0xA000 0x209FFF (2048K machine)
Banked ROM 0x20A000 0x289FFF (2048K machine)

Foenix F256K and F256 Jr.

Again a table makes it easier to describe the memory layout with and without added expansion RAM. The first table describes the layout for a machine with expansion RAM:

Memory type Begin End
Banked RAM 0x000000 0x07FFFF
Banked ROM 0x080000 0x0FFFFF
Expansion RAM 0x100000 0x13FFFF
32 KB IO Memory 0x140000 0x147FFF

The same table for a machine without expansion RAM.

Memory type Begin End
Banked RAM 0x000000 0x07FFFF
Banked ROM 0x080000 0x0FFFFF
32 KB IO Memory 0x100000 0x107FFF

The verifyall comand

The verifyall command can be used to execute all test cases that are found in the AcmeTestDir as defined in the referenced config file. It has the following syntax:

Usage of 6502profiler verifyall:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -prexec string
    	Program to run before first test
  -trapaddr uint
    	Set trap address
    	Give more information

Here an example what kind of output ./6502profiler verifyall -c config.json generates

Executing test case '32 bit multiplication 1' ... (3180 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '16 Bit multiplication 5' ... (98 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 Bit is zero 3' ... (67 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 Bit compare 5' ... (132 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 bit multiplication 4' ... (3052 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 Bit addition test 1' ... (166 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 Bit is equal 2' ... (162 clock cycles) OK
Executing test case '32 Bit is zero 4' ... (34 clock cycles) OK

The -prexec command line option can be used to specify the source code of an assembly program that is compiled and run before the first test in order to perform a global test setup. The program name is interpreted relative to the AcmeTestDir defined in the config file. The verifyall command also allows to use the trap facility when the -trapaddr option is specified.

The newcase command

This command can be used to create a JSON test case file, a Lua script and a test driver file in the test directory. It uses the following command line options.

Usage of 6502profiler newcase:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -d string
    	Test description
  -ext string
    	Extension to use for assembly test driver files (optional)
  -p string
    	Test case file name
  -t string
    	Full name of test driver file in test dir (optional)

The value of -p is used to generate the file names of all three files in the test directory by appending the corresponding file endings .json, .a and .lua. If -t is specified the test driver name in the newly created test case is set to the value of -t. This value has to include the file ending (typically .a) and is interpreted as a file name relative to AcmeTestDir. The -d option is used to add a description to the test case file which is printed when the test is run. Through the option -ext an alternative file extension for the assembly test driverfiles can be specified in case you do not like the default value of .a.

The delcase command

This command can be used to delete the files related to a test case. If a file is referenced by several test cases then this file is not deleted.

Usage of 6502profiler delcase:
  -c string
    	Config file name
  -t string
    	Test case file

The -t option has to be used to specify the test case name which was given by the -p option when the case was created via the newcase command.

The list command

The list command can be used to list the descriptions and the test case file names of all tests in the test directory. It has the following syntax:

Usage of 6502profiler list:
  -c string
    	Config file name

Simulator configuration

Config file

The config is stored in a JSON file and can be referenced through the -c option. The config file is structured as follows

    "Model": "6502",
    "MemSpec": "Linear64K",
    "IoMask": 45,
    "IoAddrConfig": {
        "221": "stdout:16",
        "222": "printer:petscii"   
    "PreLoad": {
        "40960": "/home/martin/data/vice_roms/C64/basic",
        "57344": "/home/martin/data/vice_roms/C64/kernal"
    "F256MCoprocFlags": 0,
    "F256MCoprocBase": 56832,
    "Ca65StartAddress": 2048,
    "AsmType": "acme",    
    "AcmeBinary": "acme",
    "AcmeSrcDir": "./testprg",
    "AcmeBinDir": "./testprg/tests/bin",
    "AcmeTestDir": "./testprg/tests"

Model can be 6502 or 65C02. At the moment MemSpec can be Linear16K, Linear32K, Linear48K, Linear64K, XSixteen512K, XSixteen2048K, GeoRam_512K, GeoRam_2048K, F256_512K or F256_768K. The linear memory specifications denote a contiguous chunk of memory starting at address 0 with a length of 16, 32, 48 or 64 kilobytes. The XSixteen memory specifications configure the simulator to use the memory model of the Commander X16 with either 512K oder 2048K of banked RAM. GeoRam_512K and GeoRam_2048K can be used to simulate the memory model of the GeoRAM or NeoRAM cartridge, where the memory locations $DFFE and $DFFF select which 256 byte page of extended memory is banked into the address space starting at $DE00. F256_512K and F256_768K implement the memory model of the Foenix F256 Jr. (Revision B) and F256K which are modern retro computers. The 768K option simulates the presence of a 256K memory expansion.

IoMask and IoAddrConfig can be used to configure special I/O adresses that allow to exfiltrate data from the simulator by means of writing to a special virtual I/O address.

The value in IoMask specifies the hi byte of all such special addresses and each entry in IoAddrConfig specifies the corresponding lo byte of one special address. In the example above the first resulting special address is $2ddd ($2d=45, $dd=221). Each entry in IoAddrConfig also has to contain a specification of what should happen each time data is stored in that address via sta, stx, sty or instructions that modify data in place as for instance inc. If no such special addresses are needed then IoAddrConfig should be empty.

Currently three types of special IO addresses are defined. The first type of special IO address outputs the data hex encoded to stdout. Such entries start with sdtdout: and the remaining part of the entry specifies the number of bytes to be printed on one line as a decimal number. Entries of the second kind begin with printer: and cause the data bytes to be printed to stdout as characters. The value after the colon specifies the encoding to use. At the moment the only legal value is petscii. The third type of entry is identified by the string sdtdout:bin and causes the data written to the special output addres to be sent to stdout without further processing.

If you want to load binaries into the simulator's RAM before any program is run you can list these binaries in the PreLoad property. Each entry is a key value pair where the key is the address to which the binary should be loaded and the value is the name of the file which contains the binary to load. This can for instance be used to load ROM images. It has to be noted though that these images are of limited use because 6502profiler does not emulate any I/O, timing or interrupt behaviour.

The AcmeBinaryentry defines the path to the binary of the assembler to use. If the program is in your PATH then the name of the binary suffices. AcmeSrcDir has to describe the path to the directory where the assembler source files (which do not implement the tests themselves) are stored. AcmeTestDir holds the directory where the test case files, the assembler source for the test drivers and the test scripts are located. Assembled test drivers are stored in the directory referenced by AcmeBinDir. The entry AsmType specifies the assembler to use. Currently the values acme, 64tass and ca65 are allowed.

When using ca65 the value of AcmeBinary only has to specify the path to the tools ca65 and cl65 but it must not contain the names of the tools themselves. If for instance ca65 and cl65 are located in /usr/bin you can set AcmeBinary to /usr/bin. If the tools are in your PATH then you can simply use "". Setting the start address of a program in ca65 requires a command line option. The value of the config entry Ca65StartAddress can be used to set this option and thereby change the target address of the assembled binary. If the Ca65StartAddress entry is mssing then $0800 is used as a default.

The entries F256MCoprocFlags and F256MCoprocBase can be used to control the emulation of a math coprocessor for 16 bit by 16 bit unsigned multiplication and division in the style of the one used in the F256 K. If F256MCoprocFlags is 0 or not present then this feature is turned off. If it is 1 then the mutliplier is active and if it is 4 then the divisor is active. If you want to activate both use the value 5. The multiplier expects its input values at the addresses F256MCoprocBase and
F256MCoprocBase+2 (as usual lo byte first) and provides a result at the address F256MCoprocBase+16. The divisor expects its input values at the addresses F256MCoprocBase+4 and F256MCoprocBase+6 and provides the division result at F256MCoprocBase+20 as well as the remainder at F256MCoprocBase+22. The real hardware uses 0xDE00 as F256MCoprocBase. The 32 bit adder of the F256 coprocessor is currently not emulated. In 6502profiler it is possible to write to the addresses 0xDE10-0xDE1B where this is not possible in real hardware.


I have used 6502profiler to further optimize the calculation routines for my C64 and Commander X16 Mandelbrot set viewers. A C64 needs about 75 minutes to create the default visualization in hires mode using a program of 1827 bytes length. 6502profiler executes this program in about a minute. The corresponding assembler source code can be found in testprg/fixed_test.a and testprg/fixed_point.a


Currently all 6502/6510/65C02 addressing modes and all but three instructions are simulated. The first is RTI as I do not see any use for this instruction on the purely logical level on which 6502profiler operates. Furthermore the 65C02 instructions STP and WAI are also not implemented for the same reason.

Building 6502profiler

The software is written in Go and therefore it can be built by the usual go build command. You will need at least Go 1.18 for the build to work as the implementaion of the info command relies on a feature that was added in that version. Tests are provided for all 6502 instructions and can be executed through go test ./....


  • Maybe add a possibility to deactivate a test case temporarily


A profiler and testing tool for the 6502/65C02 microprocessor








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