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  • You must setup environment variable to run the app, to do that, create a new file .env
    Copy the content of .env_example into .env Edit the content to suit your needs

  • run npm install in the terminal/command line to install all dependencies

  • run npm start to start the app


  • Understanding the folder structure. src: All codes must be written inside this sub folder depending on the task as explained below route: Contains all your route. All route most be loaded from the index.js (child of index.js) models: Contain all the database schema/models controller: Contains functions that calls the route functions: Contain all the logic use by the controller.

    NOTE: The index.js should only be use to load your route file as shown in the comment found inside the index.js file in the route directory. Create should create all your route inside the route folder loaded by the index.js file.

  • We use Eslint (airbnb) to enforce code standard and styling. When trying to start the app using the npm start, eslint is trigger to check for code conformity to standard.

  • Although the eslint tries to fix some errors found, you must manually fix any eslint error before the app will run Or before pushing to server

  • Use different branch for working on different feature.

  • Send PR (Pull Request) to the develop branch. The EA (Enterprise Architechture) will review and approve or reject with reasons as the case may be.

  • Branch Flow: master: Contain the clean working code. develop: New feature_branch must be created from this branch feature_branch: You must create a new branch when starting a new feature from the develop branch git branch develop git checkout -b login_feature

  • No adjustment should be made to the app.js in the root directory or any other files in the root directory. All changes should be done inside the src sub folder.

  • Environment variables should be entered into the .env file instead. The environment variable set can be access in your node app using process.env.VARABLE_NAME

  • No console.log is allowed. Please import the logger.js file under the config folder in the root directory Before you can use the logger function, you must enable the DEBUG environment variable (DEBUG=true) in the .env file e.g const logger = require('./config/logger') logger.log('for debug and loging purpose') logger.error('Use to log error');