The Email Campaign Manager API is a Django-based RESTful API that allows you to manage subscribers, campaigns, and send daily email campaigns using SMTP or an external service like Mailgun.
Add Subscriber
- Endpoint:
- Method: POST
- Description: Add a new subscriber to the system.
- Request Body:
{ "email": "", "first_name": "example" }
- Response:
- HTTP Status: 201 Created
- Endpoint:
Unsubscribe Subscriber
- Endpoint:
- Method: PUT
- Description: Unsubscribe a user by marking them as inactive.
- Response:
- HTTP Status: 200 OK
- Response Body: {"message": "user unsubscribed succesfully!"}
- Endpoint:
- Add Campaign
- Endpoint:
- Method: POST
- Description: Add a new campaign to the system.
- Request Body:
{ "subject": "Campaign Subject", "preview_text": "Preview Text", "article_url": "", "html_content": "<p>...</p>", "plain_text_content": "Text content..", "published_date": "2023-09-08" }
- Response:
- HTTP Status: 201 Created
- Endpoint:
To use this API, you can make HTTP requests to the specified endpoints using tools such as Insomnia, Postman, or Python's requests library.
- Used Django Rest Framework for building RESTful endpoints.
- Created a custom management command for creating email campaigns.
- Intergarted an external email service Mailgun for sending campaigns daily.
- Used Celery and Celery Beat for asynchronous email campaign scheduling.
- Used Redis as a message broker for Celery.