This is a small collection of playbooks for basic administration and audit of Ubuntu and Redhat based Linux distributions.
Some of the tasks include:
Create/remove users
Create/remove groups
Check patching status
Install patches
Check firewall/DNS/NTP settings
Linux or Mac Operating System.
pip3 install ansible
jinja2 template:
pip3 install jinja2
sudo apt install sshpass
** Limit use of sshpass for early setup only, due to potential security issues. Deploy ssh keys to target hosts as early as possible. **
Set inventory file as "inventory" (ini format)
Set default display of output for better readability
Set ansible.log in root directory of playbook
Set default interpreter as python3
Set some optimizations
Set host key checking to ignore
ansible-playbook tasks/adduser.yml -b -k -K
-b, --become run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)
-K, --ask-become-pass ask for privilege escalation password
-k, --ask-pass ask for connection password
-k, --ask-pass is not required if using SSH keys
This playbook creates a sudo user on newly provisioned VM(s) with SSH key deployed. Requires the play executed from the context of the new user on from the ansible "push" server (host machine).\
Create the user "ansible-user" as a sudo user to all the newly provisioned VM's. All commands to be executed on the host or local machine.
Create ansible-user:
sudo adduser ansible-user
Switch or log on as the ansible-user:
su - ansible-user
Generate an SSH keypair
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa
Edit inventory file to include the VM's to have this user deployed to.
From the roote of the git repo, execute the play to create the ansible-user on the new VM's:
ansible-playbook tasks/initial-ansible-user.yml -bkK -u <root user or sudo user>
Test the user was created with an SSH key on the new VM(s):
ssh ansible-user@<IP-of-new-vm>
Brief note, if the ansible-role-nginx-tls is used, be aware that deployment of TLS private key certificate should not be provisioned this way. This is implemented here as a quick and simple example of how it could be done. Primarily for the purposes of being to able to view/test TLS certificates via gui, instead via openssl.
For test/development/temporary TLS certificate creation via HashiCorp Vault, see this repo: HashiCorp Vault TLS Certificates with raft backend
ansible all -m ping -b -k -K
ansible all -m setup -b -k -K
ansible all -a "cat /etc/passwd" -b -k -K
-m MODULE_NAME, --module-name MODULE_NAME module name to execute (default=command)
-a MODULE_ARGS, --args MODULE_ARGS module arguments
-b, --become run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)
-K, --ask-become-pass ask for privilege escalation password
-k, --ask-pass ask for connection password
-k, --ask-pass is not required if using SSH keys