OpenShift 4.7 up and running
Login to OpenShift
oc login https://host:port
oc project amq-ha
Create namespace and install operator
oc apply -k infra/cluster
Create AMQ Cluster
oc apply -k infra/amq
Wait while 3 AMQ Brokers are up and running and deploy applications (1 producers and 1 consumer1)
oc apply -k infra/application
- Check AMQ Console to check that 1000 messages are in each broker
- Scale down AQM Cluster to 2 brokers through OpenShift UI
- Check pods in namespace (One terminated and then drawniing start/complete)
- Check that 2 brokers have same 3000 messages
- Start consumer through OpenShift UI
- Show consumers logs
oc get pods --no-headers --output='json' -l -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}' | xargs oc logs -f
Check that all 3000 messages are received