Creating a CRUD application with the help of MEAN stack. I am a beginner and I am working to create a C(create) R(read) U(update) D(delete) or CRUD application with the help of MEAN stack but I am unable to understand the error it is showing as I am almost there to finish my code (I have not completed the front end part yet... It is half done). I am using Visual Studio Code as my editor .
"resource": "/e:/project/contactlist/client/src/app/contacts/contacts.component.ts",
"owner": "typescript",
"code": "2306",
"severity": 8,
"message": "File 'e:/project/contactlist/client/types/@angular/core.d.ts' is not a module.", //Error
"source": "ts",
"startLineNumber": 1,
"startColumn": 35,
"endLineNumber": 1,
"endColumn": 50
I have tried various things by searching the solution online but nothing works . Hope someone can fix it.