Yeast column bicluster single CPU example (precomputed nulls)
MAK HPC bicluster discovery pipeline
- Java (tested with version 11.0.16)
- R, compiled with --enable-R-shlib (tested with 4.2.1)
- Four R packages including rJava which installs JRI, the Java-to-R interface
The installation has been tested in the bash shell on Linux and Mac OS.
- Use the MAK.jar file found in this repo
or build it from scratch
cd MAK_build/
- Install R package dependencies with these R commands on the R command line:
> install.packages("fields")
> install.packages("amap")
> install.packages("irr")
> install.packages("rJava")
- Once rJava is installed you can find the location of the JRI.jar file using this R command on the R command line:
> system.file("jri",package="rJava")
- Add the JRI and MAK JAR paths to your system CLASSPATH variable, e.g in linux bash:
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:path/to/JRI/JRI.jar:path/to/MAK.jar
- Check/set your R_HOME variable, e.g. in linux bash: To find you R home dir use this R command on the R command line:
> R.home()
And use this path to set the $R_HOME environment variable:
export R_HOME=path/to/R
- Add JRI shared library files and R shared library files to the LD_LIBRARY PATH variable:
- Download the MAK yeast example tar ball:
- Place this tar ball in the top level MAK repo directory and extract it:
tar zxf MAK_example.tar.gz
- Run a single MAK trajectory (about 30 min. on a MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz Intel Core i9):
cd MAK_example
If you get a java library path error, you can specify this path in the java command:
java -Djava.library.path=path/to/JRI/ -Xmx2G DataMining.RunMiner -param MAK_parameters.txt -debug 0
- You can perform searches for any starting point in this dataset by changing the value of the INIT_BLOCKS field in the MAK_parameters.txt parameter input file. The indices are 1-offset and based on the row and column labels in the yeast_cmonkey.txt input file. The format of the value is:
where a,b,c,x,y,z are integers in the range of the dimensions of the input matrix.
- Input data:
- Simple TSV file(s) with row and column labels (with shared identifier axes if multiple data layers)
- Edit fields in MAKflow input parameter file:
- Input TSV data path(s) (up to four)
- Bicluster coherence criterion (column = MSEC_KENDALLC_FEM)
- null size boundaries (y=(2,200), x=(2,100))
- starting point size range (y=(10,100), x=(10,50))
- HCL starting point metric and linkage (Pearson correlation and Complete)
- move mode sequence (BS)
- HPC parameters
- number of CPUs (600)
- maximum wall time (48 hours)
- Run:
java DataMining.MAKflow ...
Syntax: -parameters = input parameter file -server = HPC cluster -account = HPC user account -qos = HPC queue
- Output:
- A TSV file of nonredundant, highest scoring biclusters in the input data
- A set of directories with all intermediate data and results
- Includes all executed commands and optional logging