This is famous equation in nonlinear dynamics proposed in 1976. So, if you want to find information see Learn more
I'm not talking about physics. See, it's about two-parameter analysis of nonlinear system.
- What does it mean?
First, we have two variables parameters. It means, welcome Data Parallelism - OpenMP, Multiprocessing, GPU Parallel , etc.
Second, we have useful 'simple' task (you can create work tool for physicists solving big data problem), except
. It was for test Open MP.
In the picture colors designate periods, black area corresponds to chaos, white - to divergence of iterations.
- C file. It calculates data
- Python file. It calculates data file.henon_omp.c
- C file. It calculates using
- Python file. It calculates using
- Python file made by I.V. Sysoev. It needs for draw plot using special generated data file.test_sin_omp.c
- C file. It calculates using OpenMP for configuration test data.
- J.C. Sprott - Henon Map Correlation Dimension
- Atlas of charts of dynamical regimes
- Wiki
- Wiki2
- Original article
-> You can use Python with data package: Anaconda or Miniconda. There's another way - use Portable Python. Also you can use whatever IDE for Python. -
-> Make C project and copy code into the your projectmain.c