by Ralf B. Schäfer, University of Koblenz-Landau 2018/19
This repository provides all course materials including R code, slides and data. For further information such as links to teaching videos visit the OpenOlat course pages.
To prepare your computer for the lecture, you need to install R, Revolution R or R Studio. I use several packages in the course, if you want to have all packages ready at the beginning of the course, run the script 0_install_packgs.R in the Code folder. Note that these are all my packages that I use for different projects and installation may take some time. Alternatively, you can just install a new package whenever it is needed:
The videos contain quiz questions. Important: You need to be logged in to access these questions. See the Tutorial in the course materials how to log into the system. Instead of R tutorials, these sessions come with R videos and scripts.
- Eduard Scoezs contributed to some of the code and lecture materials
- Several course assistants are thanked for their assistance (e.g. Andreas Scharmüller, Le Trong Dieu Hien and Moritz Link).