Repo for the publication: Paradise lost? Pesticide pollution in a European region with considerable amount of traditional agriculture
This repo contains the R code and data for the related manuscript published in Water Research.
Written by Verena C. Schreiner, revised by Moritz Link and Ralf B. Schäfer
Contents overview:
R_Schreiner_Romania_analytics: provides the R Markdown code to calculate water concentrations, sum concentrations, toxicities and the related statistics
All_det_SDB: all compounds detected via SDB passive sampling
Buffer_width_June: buffer width during June
CAS_type_name: information on CAS, name and type of analysed compounds
catchment: information on land use in upstream catchment area.
Code_SDB: translation of codes of SDB disks
Comp_Cal_ext: information on calibration (compounds: Carbendazim + Simazin-2-hydroxy)
Comp_type: information on compound type
conc: *water concentration of all detected pesticides"
Concentrations_PDMS: water concentrations calculated from PDMS sheets
Concentrations_SDB: water concentrations calculated from SDB disks
EC50: information on toxicity of detected compounds
field_size_factor: information on agricultural intensity as a factorial variable
Fields_mean_median_geom_mean: information on field size adjacent to sampling sites
flow_raw: raw data of flow velocity close to samplers.
habitat: habitat information
Not_worked: compounds that were excluded due to problems in chemical analysis.
Pesticide_gradient: gradient of pesticide sum concentration and toxicity towards algae as well as invertebrates
Results_SDB: results from SDB analytics (analytical concentrations)
Rip_buffer: information on land use in riparian buffer.
Rs_known: sampling rates (experimentally determined) for SDB disks.
stream_substrate: information on stream substrate at sampling sites.
temp_raw: raw data of water temperature at each site.