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raydeleu edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 9 revisions

This wiki contains a manual how to use the Replicad library to create 3D parts for printing or visualization. It is not a replacement of the official documentation that can be found on but rather an addition. The offical documentation refers to the API documentation which might be hard to read for non-programmers. Using Replicad you will become a programmer, and this wiki hopes to guide you on that journey. You can use the manual starting from chapter 1 to the end or just as a reference to jump to the sections you require.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. From sketch to 3D part

3. Sketch

4. Create 3D wires and faces

5. Create solid shapes

6. Modify solids

7. Transform shapes

8. Combine solids to parts

9. Automate modelling with functions

10. Export and import

A. Short introduction to Javascript

B. Installing Replicad locally

C. OpenCascade 3D kernel

D. Examples