0.3.9 Beta Release 8
MJPEG server example added that uses the hardware MJPEG encoder.
Example showing previews from two cameras in a single Qt app.
H264 encoder can accept a frame time interval to be put in the SPS headers.
H264 encoder should now advertise the correct level in streams for higher bitrates.
Exif DateTime and DateTimeOriginal tags are now added.
H264 encoder now supports a constant quality parameter.
JpegEncoder chooses pixel format automatically from the stream format.
Work around OpenGL import error on 64-bit OS Lite images.
FFmpeg: use the audio_samplerate parameter correctly.
camera_controls are converted to native Python types (tuples, not libcamera.Rectangle objects).
Camera configuration will fail if an encoder is still running.
Encoder interface tidied to make it easier to run a second encode "by hand" (example included).
Picamera2 updated for the latest libcamera which changes colour space handling.
Encoder outputs no longer close files that they didn't open.
CircularOutput class now flushes the fifo correctly when outputs are closed.
Bug fix when capturing several DNG files back to back.
You can’t perform that action at this time.