The Machine Learning model built on Azure ML studio, predicts the Adult income category (>50k or <=50k) using a tuned and validated Two-class boosted Decision tree model. The trained model is converted to an Azure web service.
Two images below are the ML studio pipelines
The Web service offered by Azure is a paid service, hence the API no longer exists. Please create your own Azure Web service based on the image and save the URL and API key in the respective files under resources folder.
A Dash app is coded to post requests to the Azure web service created. The dash app is deployed on Heroku. The file structure of the app is,
__ Layouts
__ requirements.txt
__ Procfile
The app file contains the main server code along with callback functions for dynamic API calls. The Layouts folder contains various layout files for the app to render.
Install the following dependencies in the env using pip
Use the following command
pip install _package_
Create a file named Procfile and fill its contents with,
web: gunicorn app:server
The Procfile has the instance of the server which the heroku platform will run Create a new file requirements.txt with a list of all dependencies,
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Run the following commands in succession to deploy the app on heroku
heroku create my_app
git add .
git commit -m "Initial push"
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1
The heroku server will provide the deployed application's link. The app above can be viewed at -
If using a conda environment, then before the above steps, execute the following Create a conda env
conda create -n env_name python=3.6
Activate the env using,
conda activate env_name
Continue with the steps mentioned above.
NOTE:- Build a personal API using the Azure ML studio. Since it is a paid service, the API invovled in the app is no longer active.