Wrapper around a C++ implementation for finding the directed MST (Edmonds-ChuLiu Algorithm) where there is an associated weight for every vertex being the root
Details: This code wraps around the maximum/minimum spanning tree implementation provided in: http://edmonds-alg.sourceforge.net/
The wrapper is based off the testcase provided and uses the complete graph with infinite weights and sets the relevant weights of the desired graph to be fininte.
Please download the code from the website and place this directory in the folder.
Point the LFLAGS and INCLUDES to the system boost installation you want to use
(Optional) Set the -DDEBUG flag in DEBUG to see output
Usage: ./mstwrapper_rooted <input_file> <output_file> <min|max>
Input File Format: N weight_v1 weight_v2 .. weight_vN src1,dest1,weight1 src2,dest2,weight2 .. srcE,destE,weightE
weight_vi corresponds to the weight associated with each node being the root N is the number of variables in the graph and there are E edges.
Output File Format: idx1 idx2 .. idxK
The indices correspond to the index (begining at 0) of the edges specified in the input file. In the above example, if idx1==0, then src1->dest1 was in the maximum spanning tree. The tree is rooted at the source corresponding to idx1
Python Interface: directedMST.py provides the interface to access the directed MST functionality through python.
Testcases: tc1.txt,tc2.txt are two small test cases where the optimal spanning tree for the minimum and maximum case is obvious