It is a Laravel 8 & Vue 3 based SPA demo project (Continue Development). Build with love and open source for developers.
- Laravel 8
- Bootstrap 4.6
- laravel/ui -- Authentication (composer require laravel/ui --> php artisan ui vue --auth)
- Vue 3
- Vue Router 4
- Vue Loader 16.8.1
- Vuex
- In your root folder, clone the project file using git clone
- Open terminal (bash/cmd). Then go to project folder using command
cd employeemanagement
- Then install required files and libraries using
composer install
- Then create a .env file and generate key for this project using command
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
- Then compile all CSS & JS files together using this command
npm install && npm run dev
yarn install && yarn dev
- Create a database in MYSQL and connect it with your project via updating .env file.
- After connecting the db with project, then run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
After completing the migration and seeding of db, you will have 10 user ready for login in this project. A. UserName -> Admin Email -> Pass -> 12345678
Finally we are ready to run our project using this command
php artisan serve
************************************ Note ********************************* If you find error on migrate:fresh --seed, then try to comment all the observers created method.Such as
// Log::info("New City".$city."Data Inserted by ".auth()->user()->username);