A Discord bot created to send notifications when certain activities finish. The application will parse the command line arguments, format the message and send it to the desired channel. Then the bot will be offline again.
Triggered when QBitTorrent finishes a download. It has general support for any torrent.
Add the following to the QBitTorrent settings under Tools>Options...>Downloads>Run on torrent finished:
.\path\to\run.bat torrent --name "%N" --category "%L" --tags "%G" --content-path "%F"
--root-path "%R" --save-path "%D" --files "%C" --byte-size "%Z" --tracker "%T"
All arguments will be displayed as they are, but providing the following will have other effects:
argument | effect |
category | sets the embed message color |
category | features |
anime | save-path gets the anime cover image, next airing episode date, complete name and season* |
To use, ensure the following environment variables are set, or in a .env
file in the same directory as the current
working directory.
token=... # required
torrents_channel=... # optional, must be provided if torrents feature is used
For the token, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications, select your bot, choose "Bot" from the left, get the token. For channel IDs, enable developer mode in Discord, right click the channel and select get ID.
The save path must contain a name searchable on Anilist. Use spaces or dashes in the name.