Qwertycoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol for safe payments worldwide.
Block explorer for Qwertycoin CryptoNote based cryptocurrency based on the Karbowanec Block Explorer
- It takes data from daemon qwertycoind. It should be accessible from the Internet. Run qwertycoind with open port as follows:
./qwertycoind --restricted-rpc --enable-cors=* --enable-blockchain-indexes --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=8197
- Just upload to your website and change 'api' variable in config.js to point to your daemon.
BTC: 1DkocMNiqFkbjhCmG4sg9zYQbi4YuguFWw
ETH: 0xA660Fb28C06542258bd740973c17F2632dff2517
BCH: qz975ndvcechzywtz59xpkt2hhdzkzt3vvt8762yk9
XMR: 47gmN4GMQ17Veur5YEpru7eCQc5A65DaWUThZa9z9bP6jNMYXPKAyjDcAW4RzNYbRChEwnKu1H3qt9FPW9CnpwZgNscKawX
ETN: etnkJXJFqiH9FCt6Gq2HWHPeY92YFsmvKX7qaysvnV11M796Xmovo2nSu6EUCMnniqRqAhKX9AQp31GbG3M2DiVM3qRDSQ5Vwq
Cryptonote Developers, Bytecoin Developers, Monero Developers, Karbo, Qwertycoin Community