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BEP20 Token Smart Contract



  • truffle.config.js

How to run

Install dependencies and devDependencies

npm install


Step 1: Run ganache-cli on development port (ex: 8545):

ganache-cli -p 8545

Step 2: Run migrate on development network

truffle migrate --network development

Step 3: Test smart contract's methods on development

truffle console --network development
check your function here


Step 1: Run ganache-cli on test port (ex: 7545):

ganache-cli -p 7545

Step2: Run test

truffle test --network test

Custom network

Step 1: Add your mnemonic to truffle.config.js:

var HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider");
var mnemonic = <your-mnemonic>;

Step 2: Configure custom network (ex: bsc testnet)

bsctest: {
  provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, ``),
  network_id: 97,
  confirmations: 10,
  timeoutBlocks: 200,
  skipDryRun: true

Check document on here

Step 2: Deploy contract to custom network:

truffle migrate --network <your-custom-network>