Multi-style transfer based on the fast stilization paper
To train the network end-to-end only do:
...after installing the dependencies. :)
The model can be run in a dockerized form either by building it or by downloading it:
The docker image is hosted on DockerHub
as well:
sudo docker pull qbear666/multi_style
sudo docker tag qbear666/multi_style:latest multi_style # rename it just for generality of running
sudo docker built -t multi_style . # in project directory, or use the pulled image
sudo docker run \
--gpus all \
-v <path-to-the-movie-file>:/app/movie \
-v <your-desired-output-directory-for-the-movies>:/app/output/ multi_style
It will launch the
script and will access your video and GPU device.
You'll need to have nvidia-docker
installed on your machine and the desired video
to be translated in 8 different styles. The docker image will produce the styled
videos into the output folder.
Live demo:
the live demo can be tried via installing all dependencies to your machine since there is some issues with opencv using the webcam in docker which I didn't wank to solve (~20 hours)
the provided
script opens up your webcam, you can quit with pressingq
or change styles with the press of buttonc