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Mosaic definition transaction

Eleazar Garrido edited this page Jan 13, 2019 · 10 revisions

Mosaic definition transaction

Before a mosaic can be created or transferred, a corresponding definition of the mosaic has to be created and published to the network.

  • This is done via a mosaic definition transaction.
  • Following parameters are required:
    • Name
      • Name of the mosaic, up to a size limit of 64 characters; must be unique under the domain name.
    • Namespace name
      • To be able to create a mosaic definition, an account must rent at least one root namespace which the mosaic definition can then refer to.
    • Mosaic properties
      • supply mutable: The creator can choose between a definition that allows a mosaic supply change at a later point or a immutable supply. In the first case the creator is only allowed to decrease the supply within the limits of mosaics owned.
      • transferability: The creator can choose if the mosaic can be transferred to and from arbitrary accounts, or only allowing itself to be the recipient once transferred for the first time.
      • levymutable
      • divisibility: Determines up to what decimal place the mosaic can be divided. Divisibility of 3 means that a mosaic can be divided into smallest parts of 0.001 mosaics. The divisibility must be in the range of 0 and 6.
      • duration: The number of confirmed blocks we would like to rent our namespace for. Should be inferior or equal to namespace duration.
namespace, _ := sdk.NewNamespaceIdFromName("newnamespace")
mosaic := "mymosaic"

mosaicDefinition, err := sdk.NewMosaicDefinitionTransaction(
	// Sign transaction
stx, err := acc.Sign(mosaicDefinition)
if err != nil {
	panic(fmt.Errorf("NewMosaicDefinitionTransaction signing returned error: %s", err))

// Announce transaction
restTx, err := client.Transaction.Announce(context.Background(), stx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", restTx)
fmt.Printf("Hash: \t\t%v\n", stx.Hash)
fmt.Printf("Signer: \t%X\n\n", acc.KeyPair.PublicKey.Raw)