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Simple tools for working with data streams in LazyLists

Turbulence provides interfaces for reading and writing data in streams, using LazyLists.

a few useful methods for working with LazyLists for streaming data as bytes, characters and chunks of data.


  • provides several stream-related operations on LazyLists
  • can multiplex several streams into a single stream
  • can cluster together short sequences of events which happen within a predefined period of time


Getting Started



LazyLists are the core abstraction used by Turbulence for streaming data in various formats. A LazyList is a novel representation of data which makes it possible to start processing a stream of data as soon as the data starts arriving, but before the entire stream has been received.

Remarkably, a LazyList can achieve this while remaining immutable. This is possible thanks to some nuance in the definition of immutability, and by constraining what information a LazyList makes available about the state of the stream.


We might naturally assume that a stream, being a sequence of data which grows as time passes and data arrives, must be mutable. There is a time when that sequence represents a small amount of data, and a later time when the same sequence represents a larger amount of data. Something has mutated, surely?

But no! And here lies the nuance: the LazyList always represented the entire sequence of data—never a partial amount. Operations on the LazyList will always produce the same result, regardless of whether they are invoked at the moment the streaming data starts arriving, or after it has finished arriving.

This is only possible by making the concession that operations may not return immediately, and may block if they depend on data that has not yet arrived.

For example, the sum of elements of a LazyList[Int], called xs, may be calculated by calling xs.sum. The first time xs.sum is invoked, it may take a long time to return a result while the data is arriving. This could take seconds, or longer!

But the second and third invocations of xs.sum would do the same calculation to add up all the numbers again. Yet they would run much faster, because all the data would already be accessible directly from memory without blocking. Each result would be the same, confirming the claim of the LazyList's immutability.

However, we suffer the limitation that we cannot "ask" the LazyList whether it is "ready" by calling a method like xs.ready. To expose such information would compromise its immutability if sometimes it could return false and sometimes true.

This inability to query a LazyList's readiness, and to know whether it will block or not might, at first, seem limiting.

It's not, as it turns out. Though the reason might not be obvious. Firstly, analysis of a program's correctness should not care about the passing of time during the evaluation of an expression; it is not a factor in determining whether the program produces the right or the wrong answer. And we would call it a race condition if it were!

Instead, we must work with LazyLists with no means to branch conditionally on the state of the stream. But instead of branching, we can fork an asynchronous thread to perform the LazyList operations, and block the new thread.

Blocking, Rehabilitated

Blocking has earned itself a bad reputation in many programming languages. It started as a useful convenience: if a value is not ready, the runtime automatically waits until it is. The alternative would be to fail, or to write boilerplate code to handle the ready and unready cases.

But traditional implementations require the CPU to do a lot of checking and a lot of waiting. It's acceptable for a few concurrent threads, but the overhead of several concurrent blocking operations can accumulate to the point where more CPU clock cycles are spent checking and waiting than doing any real work. For a production application running across multiple nodes, that might mean that 100 servers are required, while we know that half of them are doing nothing but checking and waiting.

That changed with Java 21 which introduced lightweight virtual threads, and made it possible for many orders of magnitude more method calls to be in a blocking state concurrently, without significantly impacting the system overhead.

And this plays into the hands of LazyLists and its various blocking operations as fine representations for streams. Blocking brings the convenience of programming with deterministic immutable values, but without the expense it once did.

And it is for this reason that Turbulence exists.

What is in Turbulence?

The core of Turbulence includes key interfaces for reading and writing streams that are used extensively in other Soundness modules.

Basic implementations for upstream types are provided for streams of bytes (LazyList[Bytes]) and streams of characters (LazyList[Text]).

Interfaces for communicating with standard I/O are provided through the In, Out and Err objects, and capability-aware print and println methods.

A few general stream-related tools are provided. Spools collate events from multiple sources into LazyLists; Multiplexers merge streams.

Finally, Turbulence provides implementations of GZIP and Zlib compression algorithms on byte streams.

Reading, Writing and Appending

Turbulence defines four key typeclass interfaces related to streaming: Readable, Writable, Appendable and Aggregable, and


A Funnel receives asynchronous events, potentially from multiple threads, and puts them into a LazyList

For example,

val funnel: Funnel[Int] = Funnel[Int]()
val events: LazyList[Int] =

Note that evaluation of the Funnel#stream method constructs a LazyList which consumes events, and should be called exactly once. Later releases of Turbulence will change the API to avoid this trap.


An event stream provided by a LazyList[T] may yield events irregularly, often with several events happening at the same time. A simple event-handling loop, which performs a slow operation, such as,

stream.foreach: event =>

will incur a time cost for every event in the stream; so if the operation takes one second and ten events arrive at around the same time, it will take about ten seconds from the first event arriving until the last event is processed.

Sometimes it can be quicker to process events in a batch, or the results of processing earlier events can be invalidated by the arrival of later events. In these cases, clustering the events on a stream can be useful.

The LazyList#cluster extension method can transform a LazyList[T] into a LazyList[List[T]]. It will group together sequences of events arriving with less than a specified gap in time between them.

For example,

stream.cluster(1000).foreach: events =>

will effectively ignore all but the last event, but will not start processing an event until 1000ms has passed without any new events.

As a more complete example, consider the event stream, stream, which produces events 0-9 at the times shown in the "Time" column.

Event Time Gap stream stream.cluster(10) stream.cluster(100)
0 4ms 0 @ 4ms
1 8ms 4ms 1 @ 8ms {0,1} @ 18ms
2 15ms 7ms 2 @ 15ms {2} @ 25ms
3 26ms 11ms 3 @ 26ms {3} @ 36ms
4 75ms 49ms 4 @ 75ms
5 80ms 5ms 5 @ 80ms
6 85ms 5ms 6 @ 85ms
7 90ms 5ms 7 @ 90ms {4,5,6,7} @ 100ms {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} @ 190ms
8 203ms 113ms 8 @ 203ms {8} @ 213ms {8} @ 303ms
9 304ms 101ms 9 @ 304ms {8} @ 308ms {9} @ 308ms
END 308ms 4ms

The event streams stream.cluster(10) and stream.cluster(100) will produce results at different times. Note that event 0 is not received on stream.cluster(100) until 190ms after it is produced, and likewise event 4 is not received on stream.cluster(10) until 25ms after it fires.

In the worst-case scenario, a stream steadily producing events with a gap slightly shorter than the cluster interval will never produce a value! To mitigate this possibility, an optional second parameter can be provided which specifies the maximum number of events to include in a single clustered event, for example,

stream.cluster(100, 10)

The LazyList#cluster extension method expects a parameter of the contextual Timekeeping type.


Multiple LazyList streams may be combined into a single stream by multiplexing them. The extension method LazyList.multiplex takes a variable number of LazyList arguments to construct a new LazyList from two or more existing LazyLists, for example:

val combinedStream = LazyList.multiplex(source1, source2, source3)

The type parameter of the resultant LazyList will be the least upper-bound of that of the input streams.


Often a stream will produce results faster than desired if it is actively consumed. The LazyList#rate method will guarantee a minimum amount of time passes between consecutive values. If the elapsed time since the previous element already exceeds the minimum, it will be yielded immediately.

For example,


will count from 1, yielding approximately ten numbers per second.

Note that a rate-limited LazyList which has already been partially or completely evaluated will evaluate without any delay on subsequent reads.

Mutable Multiplexing

It may be desirable to add or remove streams from the set being multiplexed. This is possible with a Multiplexer instance, which takes two type parameters: K, the type of the keys with which streams will be associated, and T, the type of the elements in the resultant stream.

New streams may be added to the Multiplexer with the Multiplexer#add method, which takes a key and a stream, and removed with the Multiplexer#remove method, taking just the key. For example,

val multiplexer = Multiplexer[Text, Int]()
multiplexer.add(t"Fibonacci", fib(0, 1).rate(500))
multiplexer.add(t"Naturals", LazyList.from(1).rate(350))


Sometimes it's useful to have direct control over when a LazyList is yielding values and when it is "paused", using an external trigger. This functionality is provided by a Tap, a mutable object which defines two methods, open() and close(), and holds the tap's current state.

Given a LazyList[T], stream, the regulate extension method may be used to specify a Tap which can control it.

For example,

val tap = Tap()
def regulatedStream = stream.regulate(tap)

Elsewhere, perhaps in another thread, tap.close() and may be called to pause or resume output on the LazyList. Any events which arise while the Tap is closed will be buffered, and emitted when it is re-opened. Accessing isEmpty, head or tail on the LazyList will, of course, block while the tap is closed.


A Pulsar provides a regular stream of Unit values and a predefined rate. It may be created simply with the pulsar extension method on the LazyList object, taking a time duration as its only parameter, for example,

  unit => println("Hello")

will print Hello once per second, forever.


Turbulence is classified as fledgling. For reference, Soundness projects are categorized into one of the following five stability levels:

  • embryonic: for experimental or demonstrative purposes only, without any guarantees of longevity
  • fledgling: of proven utility, seeking contributions, but liable to significant redesigns
  • maturescent: major design decisions broady settled, seeking probatory adoption and refinement
  • dependable: production-ready, subject to controlled ongoing maintenance and enhancement; tagged as version 1.0.0 or later
  • adamantine: proven, reliable and production-ready, with no further breaking changes ever anticipated

Projects at any stability level, even embryonic projects, can still be used, as long as caution is taken to avoid a mismatch between the project's stability level and the required stability and maintainability of your own project.

Turbulence is designed to be small. Its entire source code currently consists of 1050 lines of code.


Turbulence will ultimately be built by Fury, when it is published. In the meantime, two possibilities are offered, however they are acknowledged to be fragile, inadequately tested, and unsuitable for anything more than experimentation. They are provided only for the necessity of providing some answer to the question, "how can I try Turbulence?".

  1. Copy the sources into your own project

    Read the fury file in the repository root to understand Turbulence's build structure, dependencies and source location; the file format should be short and quite intuitive. Copy the sources into a source directory in your own project, then repeat (recursively) for each of the dependencies.

    The sources are compiled against the latest nightly release of Scala 3. There should be no problem to compile the project together with all of its dependencies in a single compilation.

  2. Build with Wrath

    Wrath is a bootstrapping script for building Turbulence and other projects in the absence of a fully-featured build tool. It is designed to read the fury file in the project directory, and produce a collection of JAR files which can be added to a classpath, by compiling the project and all of its dependencies, including the Scala compiler itself.

    Download the latest version of wrath, make it executable, and add it to your path, for example by copying it to /usr/local/bin/.

    Clone this repository inside an empty directory, so that the build can safely make clones of repositories it depends on as peers of turbulence. Run wrath -F in the repository root. This will download and compile the latest version of Scala, as well as all of Turbulence's dependencies.

    If the build was successful, the compiled JAR files can be found in the .wrath/dist directory.


Contributors to Turbulence are welcome and encouraged. New contributors may like to look for issues marked beginner.

We suggest that all contributors read the Contributing Guide to make the process of contributing to Turbulence easier.

Please do not contact project maintainers privately with questions unless there is a good reason to keep them private. While it can be tempting to repsond to such questions, private answers cannot be shared with a wider audience, and it can result in duplication of effort.


Turbulence was designed and developed by Jon Pretty, and commercial support and training on all aspects of Scala 3 is available from Propensive OÜ.


Turbulence describes multiple interacting flows, or streams, of fluids; this library makes it easier to streamline interacting streams.

In general, Soundness project names are always chosen with some rationale, however it is usually frivolous. Each name is chosen for more for its uniqueness and intrigue than its concision or catchiness, and there is no bias towards names with positive or "nice" meanings—since many of the libraries perform some quite unpleasant tasks.

Names should be English words, though many are obscure or archaic, and it should be noted how willingly English adopts foreign words. Names are generally of Greek or Latin origin, and have often arrived in English via a romance language.


The logo shows a turbulent (and colorful) vortex.


Turbulence is copyright © 2024 Jon Pretty & Propensive OÜ, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.