ArDroneControl is a ROS package for state estimation and pose control of a Parrot AR-Drone quadcopter.
"ArDroneControl" is a ROS package for state estimate and control of a Parrot AR-Drone quadrocopter. This package is to be used with ardrone_autonomy, artoolkit, and tum_ardrone.
this package has the following nodes to be used:
localization/slam : this node uses the ardrone bottom camera images to make a map of artookit markers and localize the drone pose using a Kalman Filter.
position_control: this node implements a PD controler to control the drone's pose (position and yaw angle). the pose feedback can be made using the slam/localization nodes or tum_ardrone's PTAM SLAM.
planner: This node generates setpoint to the position_control node. One can load a predefined pose path and command the drone to follow it. the path is relative to an start frame witch can be at the origin (x=0,y=0,z=0 in map coordinates) or any other position.
tum_interface: this node is used to provide pose feedback using tum_ardrone's PTAM SLAM.
keyinput: this node passes keyboard inputs to the other nodes. select the terminal window and press the following letters:
"L" - Lock slam mapping and save map.
"U" - Unlock mapping.
"R" - Reset map.
"G" - Set start frame as current pose, enable control and hold current pose.
"0" - Set start frame as origin, enable control and hold current pose.
"P" - Start following loaded path relative to startframe.
"M" - Disable control and put drone back to manual.
PS.: this package currently uses tum_ardrone's GUI to control drone in manual mode. Even when the source of control is set to "none" in drone_gui it keeps sending control signals. So to use the position_control node you have to close drone_gui.
download bag file with demo data at