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This is a rest api test framework created to build the automated tests for Gitlab Issues API using Rest-Assured and Java. Gitlab Issues API : https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues.html
- Java JDK 17+
- Maven installed and in your classpath
BaseTest class in which the initial steps to create the requests using RestAssured and to log all the details of requests and response.
IssueClient class which performs actions (GET - fetch, POST - create, PUT - edit) using the endpoints. This class is used by the IssueTests classes.
Library used to manage the properties file : https://matteobaccan.github.io/owner/
Class Configuration
is the connection used to load the property file config.properties
located in src/test/resources
loads the properties file and match the attributes with the @Key
, so that the value can be automatically fetched.
will get the property values from the system (as environment variables or from the command line)
It will load file from the classpath.
The environment variables are read on the ConfiguratorManager
This class reduces the amount of code used to load, convert and manage the properties file. We can use the properties file in a simplest way possible.
: IssueData : contains the test data which is fixed strings and final.
: IssueDataFactory : which uses java-faker to generate fake data.
Lombok is used to generate objects using the builder pattern.
Model are created to map the objects through serialization and deserialization
Request and Response specifications used by the clients and e2e tests.
Class InitialStepsSpec
sets the baseURI and the headers like content-type and private-token.
Class IssueSpecs
contains the implementation of request and response specifications.
Contains the rest assured tests to test the CRUD operations and edge cases for Gitlab Issues api
It contains properties file and the allure properties file
Contains the postman tests for investigation purpose.
- RestAssured : Used to test the rest api
- Owner : Used to access the properties from the property file
- JUnit 5 : Used to support the tests creation
- java-faker : Used to generate the fake data
- Log4J2 : Used for generating test logs
- Allure Report : Used to generate the test reports
In the file config.properties
the values for api.project.id
and api.private.token.value
needs to be provided. Due to security reasons token should not be stored in the public repositories.
Hence, the values for api.project.id
and api.private.token.value
needs to be provided in the config.properties
file, for example :
Test suites can be directly executed by IDE or by command-line. Using mvn test
will execute all the tests, as it is the regular Maven Lifecycle.
Test classes from src\test\java
can also be executed.
To execute tests based on the groups defined use the property -Dgroups
and the group names.
For example to execute the test related to CRUD operations and the edge cases for Gitlab Issues API:
group | command |
CRUD tests | mvn test -Dgroups="crud" |
edge case tests | mvn test -Dgroups="edge" |
This project uses Allure Reporting tool to generate the test reports.
- io.qameta.allure dependency used in
file allure.properties
file onsrc/test/resources
How to generate the test reports?
mvn allure:serve
: It will open the test report in the browsermvn allure:report
: It will generate the reports at locationtarget/site/allure-maven-plugin