NODI is a tool to install nightscout on a debian instance. Additionnaly it will install some relative dependencies :
- mongodb
- ssl certificate using let's encrypt
It also trigger daily mongodb backup, monthly restart of the server, ssl certificate renewal
Having a debian 10 (buster) instance running
According to your wanted credentials, change the file mongodb.env
In file scripts/start_nightscout, be sure to change values of
Do not forget to customize others nightscout variables if needed. For a full list of variables check
If you want to use service like autotuneweb then change the value of AUTH_DEFAULT_ROLES
Once configuration is done, execute the bash script ./ with root user
During the installation process, you're will be asked for :
- your nighscout url (e.g. )
- password of nighscout and mongodb users
- let's encrypt needed data
- Everyone involved in the #wearenotwaiting movement.
- Sandra Keßler and its nighscout installer for rasperry pi