SchwarzOpt.jl implements overlapping Schwarz decomposition for graph-structured optimization problems using the algorithm outlined in this paper.
The package works with the graph-based algebraic modeling package Plasmo.jl to formulate and solve problems.
SchwarzOpt.jl can be installed using the following Julia Pkg command:
using Pkg
#Example demonstrating the use of overlap to solve a long horizon control problem
using Plasmo, Ipopt
using KaHyPar
using SchwarzOpt
T = 100 #number of time points
d = sin.(1:T) #a disturbance vector
imbalance = 0.1 #partition imbalance
distance = 5 #expand distance
n_parts = 6 #number of partitions
#Create the model (an optigraph)
graph = OptiGraph()
for (i,node) in enumerate(state)
@constraint(node, x >= 0)
@objective(node,Min,0.001*x^2) #- 2*x*d[i])
for node in control
@constraint(node, u >= -1000)
n1 = state[1]
@constraint(n1,n1[:x] == 0)
for i = 1:T-1
@linkconstraint(graph, state[i][:x] + control[i][:u] + d[i] == state[i+1][:x],attach = state[i+1])
#Partition the optigraph using recrusive bisection over a hypergraph
hypergraph,hyper_map = hyper_graph(graph) #create hypergraph object based on graph
partition_vector = KaHyPar.partition(hypergraph,n_parts,configuration = "cut_rKaHyPar_sea20.ini",imbalance = imbalance)
partition = Partition(hypergraph,partition_vector,hyper_map)
#Inspect the graph structure. It should be a RECURSIVE_GRAPH, which SchwarzOpt.jl supports.
#calculate subproblems using expansion distance
subgraphs = getsubgraphs(graph)
expanded_subgraphs = Plasmo.expand.(graph,subgraphs,distance)
sub_optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer,"print_level" => 0)
#optimize using schwarz overlapping decomposition
subgraphs = expanded_subgraphs,
sub_optimizer = sub_optimizer,
max_iterations = 50)
- SchwarzOpt.jl does not yet perform automatic overlap improvement. This means the user needs to provide sufficient overlap such that the optimizer converges.
- Convergence may fail if the user provides non-contiguous subproblems (partitions), which means a subproblem contains distinct sets of unconnected nodes.