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pdanalytics contains modules for exploring the decred blockchain and collecting additional info about the decred cryptocurrency like ticker and orderbook data from various exchanges. Each module can be enabled/disabled giving the user the ability to run a light-weight version of the program at will.


To run pdanalytics on your machine you will need the following to be setup.

  • Go 1.13
  • Postgresql (Optional, depending on the activated modules)
  • Nodejs. Node.js is only used as a build tool, and is not used at runtime
  • Dcrd (Optional, depending on the activated modules)

Setting Up Pdanalytics

Step 1. Installations

Install Go

  • Minimum supported version is 1.13. Installation instructions can be found here.

Install Postgrsql

  • Postgrsql is a relational DBMS used for data storage. Download and installation guide can be found here

  • Quick start for Postgresql

    If you have a new postgresql install and you want a quick setup for pdanalytics, you can start postgresql command-line client(It comes with the installation) with...


    • sudo -u postgres psql or you could su into the postgres user and run psql then execute the sql statements below to create a user and database.


    • Just open the command line interface and type psql then execute the sql statements below to create a user and database.
    CREATE USER {username} WITH PASSWORD '{password}' CREATEDB;
    CREATE DATABASE {databasename} OWNER {username};

Install Nodejs

  • Instructions on how to install Nodejs can be found here

Install Dcrd

  • Running dcrd synchronized to the current best block on the network.
  • Download the decred release binaries for your operating system from here. Check under Assets.
  • The binary contains other decred packages for connecting to the decred network.
  • Extract dcrd Only, go here to learn how to setup and run decred binaries.

Step 2. Getting the source code

  • Clone the pdanalytics repository. It is conventional to put it under GOPATH, but this is no longer necessary with go module.
  git clone

Step 3. Building the source code.

  • If you cloned to $GOPATH, set the GO111MODULE=on environment variable before building. Run export GO111MODULE=on in terminal (for Mac/Linux) or setx GO111MODULE on in command prompt for Windows.
  • cd to the cloned project directory and run go build or go install. Building will place the pdanalytics binary in your working directory while install will place the binary in $GOPATH/bin.

Building http front-end

  • From your project directory, cd into the web folder and run npm install when its done installing packages, run npm run build.

Step 4. Configuration

pdanalytics can be configured via command-line options or a config file located in the home directory. Start with the sample config file:

cp sample-pdanalytics.conf ~/.pdanalytics/pdanalytics.conf

Then edit ~/.pdanalytics/pdanalytics.conf with your postgres settings. See the output of pdanalytics --help for a list of all options and their default values.

Running pdanalytics

To run pdanalytics, use...

  • pdanalytics on your command line interface to create database table, fetch data and store the data and launch the http web server. The web server can be disabled by setting --nohttp
  • You can perform a reset by running with the -R or --reset flag.
  • Run pdanalytics -h or pdanalytics help to get general information of commands and options that can be issued on the cli.
  • Use pdanalytics <command> -h or pdanalytics help <command> to get detailed information about a command.


See the file for details. Here's an overview:

  1. Fork this repo to your github account
  2. Before starting any work, ensure the master branch of your forked repo is even with this repo's master branch
  3. Create a branch for your work (git checkout -b my-work master)
  4. Write your codes
  5. Run the code linter
golangci-lint run --deadline=10m --disable-all \
    --enable govet \
    --enable staticcheck \
    --enable gosimple \
    --enable unconvert \
    --enable ineffassign \
    --enable goimports \
    --enable misspell
  1. Build and test your changes
go build -o pdanalytics -v -ldflags \
    "-X \
     -X`git rev-parse --short HEAD`"
  1. Commit and push to the newly created branch on your forked repo
  2. Create a pull request from your new branch to this repo's master branch


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