brings type conversion features in modern C++. Online Preview
std::cout<< to::_int("4132"); // 4132
std::cout<< to::_unsigned_int("9999999999999999999999999999"); // out_of_range exception
- Supported Types
- signed/unsigned int
- signed/unsigned long
- 나중에 추가
Primitive types
int v = 1234;
std::cout<< to::_string(v); // 1234
std::cout<< to::_string(4.44f); // 4.44
bool b = true;
std::cout<< to::_string(b); // true
// Pointers will be converted into `Typename + Address`.
int *ptr = &v;
std::cout<< to::_string(v); // #<int * 0000abcd>
// nullptr
std::cout<< to::_string(nullptr); // #<std::nullptr_t 00000000>
// char *, const char *, char [], const char[]
// types will be treated as 'String' instead of 'Pointer'.
char *s = "hello world";
std::cout<< to::_string(s); // hello world
STL Containers
std::vector<int> v({1,2,3,4});
std::cout<< to::_string(v); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
std::map<std::string, std::string> m({
{"name", "park"},
{"chicken", "good"}});
std::cout<< to::_string(m); // {name : park, chicken : good}
map + vector
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m2({
{"fruits", {"apple", "banana", "orange"}},
{"colors", {"yellow", "red", "blue"}}});
std::cout<< to::_string(m2); // {fruits : [apple, banana, orange], colors : [yellow, red, blue]}
std::string str = "hello world";
std::cout<< to::_string(str); // hello world
std::cout<< to::_string({1,2,3,4}); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
std::cout<< to::_string({{1,2}, {3,4}}); // not implemented yet
std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<int>> l({{1,2}, {3,4}});
std::cout<< to::_string(l); // [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
Custom Classes
You can make a custom string converter for your class by implementing the to_string
class Foo{
int v;
std::string to_string() const{
return "#<Foo v:" + to::_string(v) + ">";
Foo f;
f.v = 15;
std::cout<< to::_string(f); // #<Foo v:15>
ToString Generator
It also have a convenient macro which auto-implements to_string
class weapon {
CREATE_TO_STRING(damage, level)
int damage = 123;
int level = 1;
class item {
std::string name;
int qty = 5;
class player {
CREATE_TO_STRING(hp, weapon, inventory)
int hp = 100;
weapon weapon;
std::vector<item> inventory;
int a_secret_one = 1234;
player a;
item item1, item2; = "SWORD"; = "CHICKEN";
printf("%s\n", a.to_string().c_str());
출력 결과물 (가독성을 위해 수동으로 줄바꿈 하였습니다, 실제 결과는 줄바꿈이 없습니다.)
#<class player
inventory : [
#<class item qty : 5, name : SWORD>,
#<class item qty : 5, name : CHICKEN>],
weapon : #<class weapon level : 1, damage : 123>,
hp : 100>
If no conversion is available, type name and address value will be returned.
Bar b;
std::cout<< to::_string(b); // #<Bar 0x00001234>
Checks whether there is a suitable available string converters or not.
/* int형은 내장 변환기가 있으므로 true */
std::cout<< to::has_string_converter<int>::value; // true
/* Foo 클래스는 to_string 메소드를 구현해 커스텀 변환기를 만들었으므로 true */
std::cout<< to::has_string_converter<Foo>::value; // true
/* Bar 클래스는 구현하지 않았으므로 false */
std::cout<< to::has_string_converter<Bar>::value; // false
std::string, char *, const char *형에 대해 to::_string을 수행할 때 문자열의 앞뒤로"
를 삽입합니다.
이 옵션을 활용하면 STL 컨테이너에서 json 스트링을 빌드할 수 있습니다.#define TO_STRING_WITH_QMARKS std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m2({ {"fruits", {"apple", "banana", "orange"}}, {"colors", {"yellow", "red", "blue"}}}); std::cout<< to::_string(m2); // {"fruits" : ["apple", "banana", "orange"], "colors" : ["yellow", "red", "blue"]}
- ToString 생성기에 상속 지원