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Releases: pjazdzyk/hvac-engine

v1.2.0 - Refactor, upgrade Unitility to 2.3.0, minor changes

26 Feb 17:54
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CHANGE LOG (26.02.2024):

  • backward compatibility: NOT COMPATIBLE (changed getter names)
  • process strategies will return inlet flow if input power is 0
  • bug fixed in CoolingFromTemperatureStrategy, resulting airflow now is being created based on inlet flow dry air mass flow

v1.1.0 - Fixed dryBulbTemperatureIX() method, refactored getters

28 Jan 18:59
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CHANGE LOG (28.01.2024):

  • backward compatibility: NOT COMPATIBLE
  • fixed dryBulbTemperatureIX() method, as its wrapper for Unitility types were passing Relative humidity as an argument instead of Humidity Ratio, leading to invalid results,
  • refactored getters to include 'get' prefix in their names,
  • adjusted exception messages for validators,
  • minor fix and refactoring,
  • update Unitility version to v2.2.0

v1.0.2 - Update Unitility version

03 Jan 06:59
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CHANGE LOG (03.01.2024):

  • backward compatibility: COMPATIBLE
  • update Unitility version to v2.1.1

v1.0.1 - Update Unitility version, fix console outputs

13 Dec 16:54
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CHANGE LOG (12.12.2023):

  • update Unitility version to v2.0.0
  • fixed console outputs
  • minor refactoring

v1.0.0 - First release

04 Oct 19:26
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The initial launch of HVAC|Engine, a psychrometrics analysis toolkit for engineers and software development.


Moist air properties:

  • atmospheric pressure based on height above sea level,
  • temperature change based on height above sea level,
  • water vapour saturation pressure,
  • dew point temperature and wet bulb temperature,
  • air relative humidity,
  • humidity ratio and maximum humidity ratio,
  • kinematic and dynamic viscosity,
  • thermal conductivity,
  • specific enthalpy of humid air with water mist and ice mist components,
  • specific heat,
  • density,
  • thermal diffusivity,
  • Prandtl number.

Liquid water properties:

  • specific heat,
  • density,
  • specific enthalpy.

Physics of flow:

  • mass flow,
  • volumetric flow,
  • mass flow of dry air component,
  • volumetric flow of dry air component,
  • based on flow type specified during instance creation, other flows will be recalculated accordingly for specified
    Fluid properties,

Air heating:

  • heating process for input heat,
  • heating process for target outlet air temperature,
  • heating process for target outlet air relative humidity,

Air cooling:

  • dry cooling process for input heat,
  • dry cooling process for target outlet air temperature,
  • real cooling process with condensate discharge process for input heat,
  • real cooling process with condensate discharge process for target outlet temperature,
  • real cooling process with condensate discharge process for target outlet relative humidity,

Air stream mixing:

  • simple mixing of two flows with humidity content,
  • mixing of multiple flows with humidity content,
  • mixing algorithm which will try to adjust inlet and recirculation flow accordingly, to meet target output dry air mass
    flow and target outlet temperature.


04 Jun 10:40
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v1.2-alpha Pre-release
  • release for preservation purpouses only

v1.1-alpha release

17 Nov 14:17
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v1.1-alpha release Pre-release
  • all fluids, flows and processes classes are made immutable
  • all modules were heavily reworked and refactored implementing clean code rules
  • Builder Pattern implemented in all key classes
  • changed packaging style to group all classes by domain, not by type
  • decoupled many dependencies by use of interfaces
  • split large classes into smaller pieces, to enforce SRP where possible
  • replaced many short physical property abbreviations with full names, for ie: "density" instead of "rho", with exception to Physics classes
  • updated readme and user guide
  • added diagrams for better understanding all dependencies and key components

First pre-release. Mutable version.

15 Nov 09:42
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This is the first alpha release of the HVAC library. The current version relies on mutable classes, for better performance, but it may not be thread-safe. The next release is underway on the "develop" branch, where property and flow objects will be simplified and immutable.