PiHome community always working hard to improve your smart home experience. Get the latest version for all of the available features. This release packed with some serious improvements and bug fixes.
Highlights in This Release
There are over 100 changes to PiHome since Last release version 1.76, to name few of major changes:
#178 Fix for boiler and zone logs query
#387 Update to Sunset for Cat2 Zones #381 to enable offset against sunset time from weather api and improvement to formatting
#166 Changes to cron jobs - INSERT INTO queries changed to enable use of a database without DEFAULT values
#386 Change weather update check from 1 hour to 24 hours
#176 Enable creation of new frost protection record if table empty, tidy up email code section
#385 Enable use of sunset to start cat2 schedule, requires weather api, note: if schedule start time is set prior to sunset then this time is used to start schedule
#175 Create weather table record when database table empty
#382 Cosmetic change to display correctly when editing with nano
#174 Enable creation of new gateway record
#380 Fix to display min and max temperatures for 6 day weather
#173 Default away and holidays table creation
#172 Voice Command
#376 Fix to zone.php
#372 Update zone model display for cat2 zones and zones with multiple controllers
#369 Update chart_load.php to use sub-string as selection criteria
#164 Night Climate Scheduling added to scheduling.php
#367 Move max_operation_time to zone table (note; the zone table values will be NULL but not currently used anywhere)
#159 Fix Messages stalling in the Output Queue
#361 Bug Fix homelist.php (schedule running icon for add-on zones)
#360 Bug Fix Add HTTP Message GUI
#159 Bug Fix Gateway Python Script
#383 German translation (Thanks to Kevin)
Full List of changes
Special thanks to the people who have contributed code and ideas to this release:
Important information
Update your PiHome Smart Heating installation even if you do not want to use new features, new release also include some bug fixes.
How To update
Login to your PiHome via ssh and follow these steps to update your PiHome Smart Heating.
Update Raspberry pi
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Python 3 installation (if you are upgrading from older version)
sudo apt-get install python3-mysqldb
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install RPI.GPIO
sudo pip3 install adafruit-blinka
sudo pip3 install pyserial
Set Python 3 as Default
python --version
Set python 3 as default:
nano ~/.bashrc
Add the following after the last line in the file
alias python='/usr/bin/python3'
To implement the change:
source ~/.bashrc
Update PiHome Software
cd /var/www/
git pull origin
Migration Database
Execute the 'migrate_controller.php' file found in the directory 'MySQL_Database', this will update the database structure and migrate the existing controller records from zone table to zone_controller table, it will also update the views as required.
Update the other files in the normal manner.
cd /var/www/MySQL_Database/
php migrate_controller.php
Updated PiHome Database
cd MySQL_Database/
php update_db.php
Wiring Pi Deprecated
Wiringpi is deprecated and no longer supported by PiHome, If you are using Raspberry pi GPIO to controller your zone or boiler make sure you update GPIO pin number, to physical pin number of your Raspberry pi.
Help for Next PiHome Release
If you're interested in helping out please checkout GitHub for issue. If you like PiHome Smart Heating Controller please consider starring the project on GitHub and like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PiHomeHVAC)