This repository contains two notebooks which will guide you step-by-step towards the implementation of learning of and with constraints in Pytorch.
- Learning with constraints: learn how to train a NN with human-driven constraints
- Learning of constraints: learn how to make a NN learn how to explain its predictions with logic
If you find this repository useful, please consider citing:
@misc{barbiero2020constraint, title={pietrobarbiero/constraint-learning: Absolutno}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.4244088}, abstractNote={Constraint-based Learning with Neural Networks}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Pietro Barbiero}, year={2020}, month={Nov} }
Theoretical foundations can be found in the following papers.
Learning of constraints:
@inproceedings{ciravegna2020constraint, title={A Constraint-Based Approach to Learning and Explanation.}, author={Ciravegna, Gabriele and Giannini, Francesco and Melacci, Stefano and Maggini, Marco and Gori, Marco}, booktitle={AAAI}, pages={3658--3665}, year={2020} }
Learning with constraints:
@inproceedings{marra2019lyrics, title={LYRICS: A General Interface Layer to Integrate Logic Inference and Deep Learning}, author={Marra, Giuseppe and Giannini, Francesco and Diligenti, Michelangelo and Gori, Marco}, booktitle={Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases}, pages={283--298}, year={2019}, organization={Springer} }
Constraints theory in machine learning:
@book{gori2017machine, title={Machine Learning: A constraint-based approach}, author={Gori, Marco}, year={2017}, publisher={Morgan Kaufmann} }
Copyright 2020 Pietro Barbiero.
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