The "Nest thermostat history tool" is a near real-time temperature / monitoring tool to visualise all thermostat statistics. The tool can visualise temperature over a large amount of time. Different colors are used for heating (red), auto_away (blue), leaf (green) and other (yellow). It fetches the data from the nest servers and stores it in a local database. The tool is written in PHP and Javascript.
Copyright (c) 2014 Piethein Strengholt,
- Create a new table with the database.sql script
- Change servername, username and password in load.php and json.php files
- Add your nest account-name and password to the load.php file
- Start polling with load.php (cronjob every 5 minutes) To poll every minute change the 'barWidth: 300000' to 'barWidth: 60000' in the index.html
The following scripts are used within Nest thermostat temperature tool:
- FlotCharts:
- jQuery:
- nest-api:
- Add Curved lines:
- Cleanup code.