Assignment 2 Report: AI Art
Basically: Recreate Images From Triangles
class Chromosome:
def __init__(self, painting: Painting):
self.painting = painting = score(self.painting)
def set_fitness(self, fitness): = fitness
def get_score(self):
def calculate_fitness(self): = score(self.painting)
My Chomosome's representation is a class that contains a "painting", which is a data structure consisting of a predefined base (background) created by a fixed number of triangles (genes) and a fitness score. The fitness score is calculated right after instantiation.
The size of the painting is the same size as the target image
Population Size: Started with 100 chromosomes but I find the algorithm gets stuck to at local maximum after roughly 80 generations. After increasing the population to 250, the gain still exists after roughly 200 generations. I decided to optimize the mutation rate and keep a 100 chromosome population.
Selection method: At first, I select the top 2 with the lowest fitness score (I'm minimizing the difference) to repopulate the population but got stuck again in a local maximum, the gain stopped showing after 15 generations. Afterward, I select the best and one random chromosome in the population (they both survive the elimination round)
The fitness function is the histogram difference from the target image.
Crossover: Two "painting" is chosen, one best, one random, the child inherit half of the gene (triangle) from each of the chosen parents.
Mutation: A number of the triangles (genes) in a chromosome will be reset to their original position, change color, and change position based on 2 input arguments.
Test Images are the ones furthest to the right.
From left to right: 1, 700, 1400 generations. Roughly 2 hours to completely "evolve" 1400 generations for each picture, I stopped at 1400 generations.
Girl With Pearl, 287 generations
I tried experimenting with different survival/mutation rates, with survival rate less than 20% and 61% mutation rate, the solutions quickly converge to local maximum and there was no gain after roughly 280 generations.
I found success with 60% survival rate and mutate all 40% of the offsprings, in the later stage of the program, gains appear within roughly every 12 generations.
- To run the code in this repository clone it, set up a virtual environment and install the required packages from requirements.txt
git clone
cd recreate_images_from_triangle
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Put the image you want to simulate in the ".\img" folder, and change the
Run using
The paths to the target image and output directory are hard-coded, but can easily be changed. the lines are in the main routine.
target_image_path = "./image/lamp.png"
checkpoint_path = "./output/"
I took the Triangle
class and the Painting
class from here and implemented the genetic algorithm myself, which is the whole point of this assignment.