Tried and true Nginx init script.
Author: Jason Giedymin <jasong -at- apache -=dot=- org>
Check out my other repos!
- Ubuntu 12.xx & 13.xx
- nginx-1.4.3 - should also work with 1.5.xx series, just haven't tested it yet.
It is recommended to install Nginx by doing a full compile & build. Not all package repositories keep their branches updated. For security it is your duty to maintain a good working environment and thus includes all interfacing applications. This script works turn-key with the default compile of nginx. It is fully recommended that you go through the variables contained within this script if you have a custom compiled build.
A great resource is the Nginx Wiki.
Basic install instructions, use sudo if necessary for the below (depends on your setup/security).
# [optional as you may have these installed]
sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev
mkdir -p ~/temp/nginx-install
cd ~/temp/nginx-install
# download/curl/wget nginx
tar -xvf nginx-1.4.3.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.4.3/
sudo make install
#copy/download/curl/wget the init script
sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/nginx
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx
service nginx status # to poll for current status
service nginx stop # to stop any servers if any
service nginx start # to start the server
sudo update-rc.d -f nginx defaults
#[optional remove the upstart script]
sudo update-rc.d -f nginx remove
If you need to override the values within the script you should use /etc/defaults/nginx
You can override any of these values:
- PS
- lockfile
For instance, if you needed to change the description of the server during logging:
# Edit [/etc/defaults/nginx] and add the below line
DESCRIPTION="My Awesome Nginx Server..."
# Next run the below command:
sudo service nginx restart
# Output of running restart with nginx defaults file:
* Stopping My Super Nginx Server... [ OK ]
* Starting My Super Nginx Server... [ OK ]
# Notice that is says "My Super Nginx Server..." as opposed to the default
# "Nginx Server...".
Contributions are welcome!