The repository hosts an example application in the form of Azure Container Instance that can be deployed in a few minutes by Azure Custom Deployment (ARM / BICEP) or Terraform.
Container Instance ARM and BICEP template
Container Instance Terraform documentation
- Prerequisites are an existing resource group and a vnet with a subnet having a delegation to container groups.
- After checking out the repo or just downloading the template and parameters files, set your desired deployment options in parameters.json.
- go to
(or if on the Azure Portal already, search for "Deploy a custom template" in the search bar)
- Upload the template file and parameters file, then select desired subscription and location, however the location should match in parameters.json
- Deploy and test connectivity
az deployment group create \
--name aci-testapp-deployment \
--resource-group rg-testapps-uk \
--template-file template.bicep \
--parameters @parameters.json
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name aci-testapp-deployment -ResourceGroupName rg-testapps-uk -TemplateFile template.bicep -TemplateParameterFile parameters.json
- The deployment is manual with terraform cli. Subscription ID should be set before deployment for the logged in user.
- Set the desired deployment options in a .tfvars file (example provided)
- Deploy with
terraform init && terraform apply -var-file=testdeployment.tfvars
- Test connectivity