This small project offers you a way to get your sonarqube badges out of your secured sonarqube instance.
Set these variables:
SERVER_URL (default: "")
<= v7.x.x
USERNAME (default: "")
PASSWORD (default: "")
>= v8.x.x
TOKEN (default: "")
I would recommend that you create an additional user within your instance and grant this user permissions.
- ENABLE_REQUEST_LOG (default: false")
- PORT (defaul: 8080)
- download docker-compose.yml
- set environment variables
- run
docker-compose up -d
- open
METRIC: a metric key from the list down below
KEY: the project key inside your sonarqube instance
BRANCH: the analyzed branch (this is optional!)
- bugs
- code_smells
- coverage
- duplicated_lines_density
- ncloc
- sqale_rating
- alert_status
- reliability_rating
- security_rating
- sqale_index
- vulnerabilities