autograde-ocaml is a tool to help grading (offline) OCaml assignments, partly relying on OCamlPro's learn-ocaml codebase.
It consists of a Bash script (autograde-ocaml.bash) that calls a specific version of learn-ocaml's CLI tool (learnocaml-grader.byte), fed on dedicated automated tests (provided by the teacher).
For reporting bugs: feel free to create a GitHub issue.
- Install Docker and
) - Clone this repo and inspect the
script. - Write the teacher's solution ( and ad-hoc grader (
- Put {,,,,} in the same folder (prof).
- To extract the last saved draft as backup (in case the student only clicked on Sync, not Grade):__
rsync -av sync/ sync+draft
find sync+draft -name save.json | xargs -n 1 bash -c 'target="ue-tpn-1"; head="(* FROM save.json *)"; f="$1"; str=$(jq -r "\"$head\n\" + .\"exercises-editors\".\"$target\"[1]" "$f"); if [ -n "$str" ] && [ "$str" != "$head" ]; then newml="${f//save.json/$}"; echo "+ Read $f and write $"; printf "%s" "$str" > "$newml"; else echo "- Skip $f for $target"; fi' bash | tee -a sync+draft-jq.log
(repeat with a different "ue-tpn-1") - Put all submissions in the same folder or in subdirs of the same folder (submissions). E.g.:__
mkdir sync2
find sync+draft -name save.json -exec bash -c 'dir="$1"; dir=${dir%/save.json}; tok=${dir#sync/}; tok=${tok//\//-}; rsync -av "$dir/" "sync2/$tok"' bash '{}' \;
- Run autograde-ocaml.bash:
.../autograde-ocaml.bash -f prof
.../autograde-ocaml.bash -f prof -l -m 60 -x 60s -k -- submissions/*/*.ml
rsync -av .../pfitaxel-exam-repository/src/easy-check /tmp/
.../autograde-ocaml.bash -f prof -e -l -m 60 -x 30s -k $(find sync2 -name "")
- Address the failing submissions (compilation error, looping recursion, ...).
- Collect the
for f in res-1 res-1-draft; do find "$f" -name "*.csv" -print0 | xargs --null -n 1 bash -c 'printf "%s," "${1%/*.csv}"; cat "$1"; echo' bash > "$f".csv; done
(The step 3 above will typically be the most time-consuming task.)
: Ensurexmllint --html --xpath …
always prints sth (dflt: 0) -
: Ensure it's nonempty/gathers compilation errors from docker-run.