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# _ __ _ _| ___|__| |_ ___| |__
# | '_ \| | | | |_ / _ \ __/ __| '_ \ https://gitlab.com/fuzebox/pyfetch
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# | .__/ \__, |_| \___|\__\___|_| |_|
# |_| |___/ Yet another Linux system information fetcher.
# Inspired by Neofetch (Bash), pfetch (bash), screenfetch (Bash),
# paleofetch (C), pyFetch (py, by bn0x unmentained), pyfetch (py,
# pip-info-fetcher).
# pyFetch is meant to be more configurable than most others.
# As a every time i open a terminal execution i would recomend
# using Paleofetch, it is extremly fast.
This is but a hobby project. Started some time ago as a way to learn python. Fiddled with it lately and decided to make a repo.
pyFetch is a W.I.P. A few modules are not implemented yet. The config system is not started on. I intend to add add ascii logos and colors for many distros.