This code is designed to be used on the ALICE cluster at the University of Leicester
##Use on ALICE
Log into ALICE (remember to use the -X option on ssh) and load the following modules
module load python/2.7.9
module load gdal
module load R
Make the code
Then submit a job
qsub frp_alice.sub
Once this has finished, run the post processing script
Ensure that you have Cython, GDAL, numpy and scipy available. Type
and then
In order to be suitable for batch processing of large numbers of images, the following changes must be made:
- Write a script to extract the original HDF files to a folder containing all the various images required for processing
- In the same script, supply the boundary coordinates in coords.txt in the order minimum-latitude maximum-latitude minimum-longitude maximum-longitude seperated by spaces
- Rewrite the submission script frp_alice.sub so that each array process invokes with the path to one of the folders as its sole argument